Data Realms Fan Forums

Petition for helping Data
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Author:  Yoman987 [ Fri Mar 19, 2010 2:15 am ]
Post subject:  Petition for helping Data

Some of you may remember me, I was (am probably still am) an insignificant member of this forum, but I have had my share of the internet for a long time: I know how things work, how things become if people start f'''ing up the place and how a community should act if its members want to be contributive, the moderators ENJOY reading the forums and the Developer/s actively communicate with their fans.

Right about now, I have found out that people have just finished f'''ing up the place, but noone cares about getting over this pile of rubble we call the Forums.

Old Content Developers have left, been banned, gone insane, flamed the place or dissapeared into the void that is the internet. This is not a good run for us at the moment, and I'm the only one who seems to care.

For one thing, I used to follow LordTim almost like an RSS feed. he was awesome at doing his thing.

I vote for making a petition to those who understand what the forums should be, those with power and who have at least a lick of sense in their blobs of grey matter.

My petition is simple: Those who are able should start helping Data and Weasel moderate the forums, create content which fits in with Vanilla Cortex Command (Build 23?) and actively help out those who are new, unsure, unaware and/or interested in the community and the game.

This is all I asked, and I am prepared for flaming, trolling, insults and (if i will exist at all) acceptance and critisisms.

Thankyou for your patience.

Author:  Grif [ Fri Mar 19, 2010 2:22 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Petition for helping Data

My petition is simple: Those who are able should start helping Data and Weasel moderate the forums, create content which fits in with Vanilla Cortex Command (Build 23?) and actively help out those who are new, unsure, unaware and/or interested in the community and the game.

We have all of those things.

There are numerous forum moderators (myself being the most recent) who are quite active within the community in general.

The content developers are still hard at work on their jobs.

Helping out new community members is everyone's job by default; failure to do so (or being excessively hostile) results in punitive action from moderators.

Author:  Yoman987 [ Fri Mar 19, 2010 3:01 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Petition for helping Data

Ok, well thanks for clearing up that everything is as it should be. I had thought that the forums had got to hell and somehow come back as a demonized version of its old self.

Then again, I was getting half of my info from the IRC, and from the DRLNation.

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