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"Do not post your first mod" is not stated in the rules.
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Author:  The Fat Sand Rat [ Tue Mar 10, 2009 12:47 am ]
Post subject:  "Do not post your first mod" is not stated in the rules.

It should be.
I've been reading the mod section rules, and the post doesn't quite seem to fit the actual expectations of the forum; it's constantly said to people who post their first mods that they shouldn't and that they should know better, but if going in all they read were tutorials and the rules stickies, it isn't made clear that they shouldn't.
I'm not saying that they can't figure it out on their own, but it seems like a double standard to pounce them for posting a first mod when there's nothing in the Mods forum sticky that says, specifically, "Do not post your first mod."

Author:  Lord Tim [ Tue Mar 10, 2009 6:24 am ]
Post subject:  Re: "Do not post your first mod" is not stated in the rules.

That is a horrible rule, and you are horrible for suggesting that it should be a rule.

Author:  411570N3 [ Tue Mar 10, 2009 7:10 am ]
Post subject:  Re: "Do not post your first mod" is not stated in the rules.

Plenty of first mods are alright. With a rule such as this we lose them as well as the occasional ridiculously bad mod. Why should it bother you that there are people who think it's a good idea to post a coalition heavy with 10 million health?

Author:  vagyr [ Tue Mar 10, 2009 1:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: "Do not post your first mod" is not stated in the rules.

and how are we supposed to know which mod is that???
how do we tell them apart???
threre might be a proffesional 1st mod and a sucky 10000 mod...

Author:  Disst [ Tue Mar 10, 2009 2:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: "Do not post your first mod" is not stated in the rules.

that makes no sense, please clarify your statement.

Author:  Kelas [ Tue Mar 10, 2009 7:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: "Do not post your first mod" is not stated in the rules.

Awful idea. Let the community judge the mod. If it is bad, we all know people like THOR and Grif and other critics will let them know.

Self-regulating the "mod industry" is always a good idea. We're not going to force people to contribute or prevent them from contributing.

"Do not post your first mod" is more of a guideline than a rule. Most first mods are awful, but by preventing people from posting, we insulate them from criticism. When you insulate people from criticism, you get the over-reactive responses, like those in the Bear Federation or Unitech threads.

tl;dr, not happening. Alenth or WJ can override, but this is not likely in the cards.


Author:  Alenth Eneil [ Wed Mar 11, 2009 3:40 am ]
Post subject:  Re: "Do not post your first mod" is not stated in the rules.

Alenth sez:

If any mod had tried to add this today I would have overridden it myself.

And then warned them.

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