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 Tips on getting Help 
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Post Tips on getting Help
I bet you came here for the candy I offered. One thing you should have learned: The cake candy is a lie. But read this anyway.

I look on this forum and more often than not, I see some topic by someone that has a name that doesn't help or I see that the question is not clearly defined or using grammar that can be easily understood. Here are a few basics for how to get help for what you want help on.

- Write your question out as descriptive as you can without making a novel out of it. For example, say I want a robot mod. I would not say "I would like a robot. It should be strong and look cool. How do I do this?" because it doesn't make sense at all. I'm not saying that I've seen too many do this, but I don't want to embarass anyone or anything. I would ask "I'm trying to make a basic robot that has a normal weight but can hold anything and still fly well. I checked the templates but I still don't know how to interpret it. Can anyone help me?" or something to that extent. Personally, I can't mod or anything so I don't honestly know what to ask or anything so that's just the extent of descriptiveness that you should use.

- Make your topic title be specific about your post. Slight and childish attempts at humor are not advised for the title. Back with the robot example. My title wouldn't be "Bzzzzzt. Bzzzzt. Fear your leader." because it's just pointless. Make it about what you want help with, like "Help with basic robot weight changing" or something like that.

- Search is your friend. If you want to know how to do something, the first thing you should always do is search to see if someone already posted something about it.

- I haz grate grammer adn speeling skilz. For goodness sakes, please, get a basic knowledge of how to write and spell effectively. If you stink at spelling, don't whine, just get firefox and pay attention to all the little red lines that appear under a misspelled word. Another thing is DO NOT LEAVE OUT WORDS. Just because it can be deciphered, doesn't mean that people want to have to in order to help you. One of the most crucial things that I see too many times on forums is txt tlk. i dont think tht ppl shud tlk lk ths on forums because you're not instant-messaging with someone on a forum. See this image for a more simple description. People who might help you will think that you need to get an education to understand their help if you txttlk.

- ALL CAPITALS IS COMPLETELY POINTLESS. Capital letters have a place, which is in front of proper nouns and in front of the first word of a sentence. No one wants to help someone who's yelling at them the whole time.

Sorry if this is too harsh. If the admins want to move it, delete it, or have me make it nicer, pm me and I'll get on it.

Last edited by Ultric on Wed Oct 08, 2008 12:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Wed Oct 01, 2008 3:40 pm
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Post Re: Tips on getting Help
Someone wants a sticky.

Wed Oct 01, 2008 3:43 pm
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Post Re: Tips on getting Help
I'm not completely sure what you mean by that, but I was bored, saw several posts in which grammar and other things were tossed out the window. As I always say, Boredom produces wierd things... but I still feel that it needed to be said.

Wed Oct 01, 2008 3:45 pm
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I think this should definitely be stickied. It's useful and not pompous at the same time (which is rare).

I have a feeling it should be stickied and locked though, to keep people from doing backhanded attacks against individuals under the guise of "advice" (with the use of the quote function). This could easily evolve into a hall of shame that way, and i don't think that's the intention here. If not locked, then maybe it should be heavily moderated to cut down on the very leetspeak-anticommunicative-horsesh*t clutter the thread is trying to prevent.

Yeah, in any setting, exercises in decency can always help.

Speaking of Forum Rules at large, one of my favorites has a system that keeps idiots in check and rewards good writing/content produced. Now, i'm pretty new here and i don't presume to change anything, i've just never seen anything work better than the karma system on the PWOT boards. Their forum rules and a description of the karma system are outlined here, for any interested parties. It's the most adult (in a non-porn way), most hilarious and most generative board i've been a part of.

Wed Oct 01, 2008 7:06 pm
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Post Re: Tips on getting Help
You ask if you are too mean, I would say you are not mean enough. Way too many people are out there who make a topic saying, "whado I do to make a gun shoot really hard" and it gets 2 people's angry responses before it gets locked. Sticky please.

edit: maybe this should be in requests?

Thu Oct 02, 2008 4:22 am

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Lets sticky something no one will ever read.

No offense, OP, but ♥♥♥♥ like this has been stickied before and it hasn't helped. The only thing you can really do is take the time to answer the questions you are capable of answering. Sometimes you just dont know the answer, sometimes the language barrier is just too high to overcome.

As much as I would like, we cannot force people (well, I guess we could) to speak decent english, but the moderating staff does not seem interested in this at all--whatsoever.

So unfortunately, we are stuck dealing with questioners who have a low grasp of english. Sorry, mate :/

For my next project, I am considering designing a Q&A style ticket system. Users submit questions, and people can browse questions and answer them, kind of like WikiAnswers.

But for now, you're stuck.

Thu Oct 02, 2008 2:00 pm
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Post Re: Tips on getting Help
ProjektODIN wrote:
No offense, OP, but crap like this has been stickied before and it hasn't helped.

As I mentioned, I'm new, so I honestly was just trying to help. I'm still trying to avoid naming names, but holy crud, so many letters have been killed I just felt like I had to say something. But anyway, do what you want with this...

Thu Oct 02, 2008 2:20 pm

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And as I mentioned, I'm just letting you know this isn't the first time this has been suggested/executed.

Thu Oct 02, 2008 2:52 pm
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Kudos for trying though.

Thu Oct 02, 2008 4:13 pm
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Post Re: Tips on getting Help
Yeah, this thing has been suggested, skicked, and forgot.

Thu Oct 02, 2008 6:35 pm
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Post Re: Tips on getting Help
erm...thanks, thanks and what? Also, what's with the avatar and sig thing?

Thu Oct 02, 2008 7:06 pm
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Post Re: Tips on getting Help
People are idiots. That's what the sig and avatar thing is. Also I did it before it got deleted because the administration is obsessed with eliminating anything that doesn't suit them for the moment.

Fri Oct 03, 2008 2:52 pm
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