Data Realms Fan Forums

Will always be [CC FANFIC]
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Author:  3 solid [ Sat Sep 15, 2007 10:29 am ]
Post subject:  Will always be [CC FANFIC]

"Humans will fight.
Brother against brother.
We look for better ways,
But there is no other."

I grabbed the magazine and jammed it into my rifle

"Fights, battles,
Scraps and wars
We do these everyday
It is one of our faults"

I clicked back the bolt on the side and laid it down on the table in front of me.

"Swords and shields,
Explosives and guns,
These are the tools
That shape how it is done."

I grabbed my helmet, inspected it gingerly, and clamped it onto my head.

"Some try to stop it,
But why can't we see?
This is the way things are,
And will always be."


The last world war

In the days of the older world, as we now call it, we lived in simple lives, working, farming, some more succesful than others and some less fortunate people. It all changed with the invasions.. The attacks.. The war... Ha! War! Compared to the battles I've been in it was a scrap!.. But, it was still the scrap that changed the world forever.

"Atten... TION!"

I stood straight, my shoes shined, my back straight, a rifle on my shoulder. the general was, as always, barking useless orders at us. I know it's about discipline, but I'd rather do something useful.
While he was shouting "left, right" continually I thought about why I joined the army. I wanted to fight, to help against the enemy in a war.. And in the state the earth is right now, a war is inevitable.

You see, global warming, global dooming, all that, was wrong. The earth cooled down again after it heated up, it was just the usual hot-cold cycle the earth goes through. But, we spent so much resources preparing for the oncoming "doom" the planet started running low on resources, now, every piece of land that can be called a country is trying to scavenge or even steal as much as it can.
I stopped. But my mind didn't. We knew already that someone was going to do something drastic to get resources.. And it wasn't until 5 seconds later that I knew who..
A bomb fell from the skies and blew up half of the compound, I looked up and saw the plane.. How did our radars miss it?
"Man the manual turrets! Someone fix the automatics, you!"
He looked at me
"Get the rocket launchers, anything that can blow up a plane."
I nodded and ran inside the LOL Launchers would be perfect. I grabbed 3 of those and dumped them next to the general, then ran back inside and got some more. By the time I came out again the plane was already struggling to dodge the missiles. The plane barrel rolled out of the way of one but crashed into another and came crashing down to earth.
"Good work men!"
A technician ran towards the general.
"What is it?"
"We found the source of the radar disturbance. We managed to bypass it.. But-"
"But what?"
"That one bomber is the least of our concerns.."
At that point, hundreds of helicopters, planes, bombers, anything that could fly flew overhead. They completely ignored us. They must have thought we died.
"Dear... Men! Take down as many ships as you can! Don't let a single one near Optopolis!!"
And of course, I was sent to supply the troops...

We took down as many as we could, but if they were infantry they could have taken the white house.
"Damnit... DAMNIT!"
The general grabbed his hat and threw it on the floor.
"Over 200 people live in that city alone! 200.. A.."
He fell to his knees.
I now knew why he was so mad. I never saw the general like this... He got up, picked up his hat and placed it on his head.
"Right. We've got an invasion on our hands. We've got a war on our hands.. Everyone, get any remaining vehicles you can, tanks, AA, buggys, anything will do. You-"
He pointed to me.. Of course.
"Load up an APC with LOL Launchers. We're going to take the ships down. You-"
He pointed to Private Conners, my friend and companion.
"Load another one with machineguns, shotguns, anything, if those ships are planning to drop infantry we'll be ready for them."
He nodded and got to it. The general looked back at me.
"Didn't you hear me!? One APC filled with LOL Launchers, NOW!"
I ran to the armory, Conners was already there.
"Man.. I can't believe we've got another war."
I kept silent and picked up the launchers. I didn't speak much anymore and he knew it.
"I've still got the shakes from the last one."
I dropped the LOL Launchers... The last war.. What was known as the first tin war.... I survived with scratches. But...
Conner picked up the launchers and gave them to me.
"Forget the last war. This is a new war. And this one is different."
I sighed, nodded and took the launchers outside.

Another war... Damnit.

Author:  GUNREVO [ Sat Sep 15, 2007 3:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Will always be [CC FANFIC]

Seems like a great start to an interesting story. I'd like to see more similarities to Cortex Command since it is a fan fiction of it. Right now, it just seems like any random war story. Other then that, I've bookmarked this thread - this forum needs more fan fictions or fan art in my honest opinion.

Author:  3 solid [ Sat Sep 15, 2007 8:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Will always be [CC FANFIC]

It's building up into a much bigger war. Don't worry, while it has no visible CC references yet it will soon enough.

Plus, in the meantime I'll try to reference loads of mods.

Author:  The Fat Sand Rat [ Sat Sep 15, 2007 8:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Will always be [CC FANFIC]

Complaint- no global warming? Really, 3 Solid? Really?
Dude, just leave out all the political stuff, I want brain-numbing fiction.
Also, try drafting it on Google Documents so you can check capitalization, etc. easily.

Author:  3 solid [ Sat Sep 15, 2007 8:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Will always be [CC FANFIC]

Hey, this is set in the future, and if global warming was real, there would be no future.

Author:  Dauss [ Sat Sep 15, 2007 10:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Will always be [CC FANFIC]

Solid writing. (Pun intended)

Very descriptive, well laid out, etc. etc.

Seriously. I wish I could write like this for my story. :D

Author:  Alenth Eneil [ Sat Sep 15, 2007 10:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Will always be [CC FANFIC]

This really probably belongs in GD for the simple fact that it's based off CC and not about CC gameplay/development...?

Author:  Dauss [ Sun Sep 16, 2007 12:07 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Will always be [CC FANFIC]

If you're gonna move his, then you'd probably better move mine as well Alenth. :|

Or... Ya know. Whatever.

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