Data Realms Fan Forums

memory leak?
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Author:  geezbaleez [ Fri Dec 08, 2006 2:09 pm ]
Post subject:  memory leak?

hello.. first off.. cool game, really interesting.. just took a bit to I got the hang of flying those rockets. :S

Anyhow, I have noticed on my system that there seems to be a memory leak of some sort which I haven't seen mentioned anywhere around, so I thought I would report it.

winxp sp2
dell inspiron laptop

Here is some data ..
round / mem usage
1st 50373
2nd 59296
3rd 68176
4th 78164
5th 88924
6th 96560
7th 104316
8th 121936

the data was taken after it got finished loading on the screen when it stated 'press any key to start'

It would up the memory usage at the start of each game even if I just quit and restarted over and over with 'r', or even if quit to the main menu and restarted. The only way to clear it was to restart the game.

hope this helps somehow. look forward to seeing more of this game in the future!

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