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Build 14 screenshot bug (anyone else get this?)
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Author:  cliftut [ Sat Jun 16, 2007 10:45 am ]
Post subject:  Build 14 screenshot bug (anyone else get this?)

To my utter horror and great dismay, I've discovered that Build 14 does bad things with screenshots.
You see, to make GIFs, I hold down the print screen button to get a stream of screens, then I put them all together into a single GIF file. However, I've discovered that in build 14, holding the screenshot button takes TWO SCREENS OF EVERY FRAME! This might not seem like a problem to some, but since this is the only way I can make GIFs that are any good, it's a big problem for me.

Because there are two bitmaps for every frame in-game, the GIF ends up looking choppy and ugly. I believe that the screenshots lag the game slightly more as well because of the extra images it is saving. Removing the extra frames manually won't work because I sometimes have upwards of 100 frames. I don't want to have to hand-prune the extra 100 that the game makes.

Does anyone else have this problem? Any fixes? Should I try to ask Data?

Author:  p3lb0x [ Sat Jun 16, 2007 11:32 am ]
Post subject: 

jasc animation shop 3 deletes duplicate frames

Author:  austonst [ Sat Jun 16, 2007 5:17 pm ]
Post subject: 

I have this same problem, and it's quite annoying.

However, I have another problem. My computer is fast (3+ GHz, 2GB of RAM, etc...), yet when I hold down PrintScreen, the computer lags to probably 30 spf (not fps), and it's really hard to do anything while taking videos... Is this the same for everyone?

Author:  JeCa [ Sat Jun 16, 2007 6:03 pm ]
Post subject: 

Yup, I've found that B14 laggs more than B13 when holding down the printscreenbutton. I'll quote your post to the devlog, then Data will surely see it.

Oh, and CC doesn't fully take advantage of all of your comps hardware, so your graphCard wont matter, and a 3Ghz Dualcore < a 1.8Ghz Singlecore processor. Will be fixed in later builds.

Author:  Cayne [ Sat Jun 16, 2007 7:59 pm ]
Post subject: could quickly weed out the duplicate frames... take you cortex command window (i mean the cortex command root directory where the screenshots are, not the game), then resize the window so it only displays 2 icons horizontaly. Now, all the screenshots are lined up for deletion, just pick a side and drag downwards and you only lose the duplicates... if that doesnt make sense...heres a picture.

Author:  droidak [ Sat Jun 16, 2007 10:33 pm ]
Post subject: 

Use the free version of fraps like me...
Record the video with fraps
Open it with microsoft gif maker(reduces quality don't know how to fix this)
Change the frame rate so it looks normal
save it as a .gif

Alternatively you could use any version of jasc's anmation shop,(I have all three programmes XD)

Author:  zalo [ Sat Jun 16, 2007 11:58 pm ]
Post subject: 

Up the framerate x2.

Flash MX Deletes dupliframes.

Author:  cliftut [ Sun Jun 17, 2007 1:11 pm ]
Post subject: 

Cayne wrote: could quickly weed out the duplicate frames... take you cortex command window (i mean the cortex command root directory where the screenshots are, not the game), then resize the window so it only displays 2 icons horizontaly. Now, all the screenshots are lined up for deletion, just pick a side and drag downwards and you only lose the duplicates... if that doesnt make sense...heres a picture.
Why did I not think of this... Thank you a lot! XD

In response to the last few posts, which of these can be done with free software? I can't buy software online, and I don't have the money gor it, so I must resort to digging the internetz for those wonderful gems that are quality freeware. It also requires that I take some indirect methods to do things. For instance, I use GIMP to make my GIFs from screenshots. A bit roundabout, but it works pretty well. You just don't get any fancy editing options; make it, save it, and that's about all you can do unless you do single-frame editing. Gimp doesn't let you change the timing for all the frames at once (as far as I know). I'd have to half the timing for each frame by hand. Ouch.

JeCa wrote:
Yup, I've found that B14 laggs more than B13 when holding down the printscreenbutton. I'll quote your post to the devlog, then Data will surely see it.

Thanks for that. I hope he fixes this in the next build, whenever that may be.

About Fraps; Does it match the fps of the game it's recording? The reason I use the screenshot button is that you don't get any lag in your GIF, even if the game lags. So I can get a perfect GIF of of a nuke-style explosion without the showing any lag whatsoever, even though my game took 5 mins to render it. That's why normal screen recorders don't work for me. T~T
But from what I've seen, fraps might work differently...

Posted after 13 minutes 59 seconds:

I tried Fraps, and had the same problem I had with the last game I tried it on. it doesn't work. I don't know why, but Fraps won't record anything whatsoever on my comp. Is ther something special you have to do? I pressed F9 like it says...

Author:  jaybud4 [ Sat Jun 23, 2007 6:50 am ]
Post subject: 

It might be that I use version 2.6.0 rather then the newest (or the fact that it's the full version) but my FRAPS records CC fine. Although it *does* show lag :(

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