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Born for battle [Open Fanfic][Not accepting new characters]
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Author:  3 solid [ Mon Jun 04, 2007 10:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Born for battle [Open Fanfic][Not accepting new characters]


1.Name: SP2
Appearance: Robot 2
Weapons: Pistol, Riot Shield, Frag
Side: Green?

2.Name: Father Venn
Appearance: Hitler, I have a mod for it that won't work:/
Age: 38
Weapons: Mapwipe Grande, Chlorine Gas
Side: Nazi (Royal blade 2nd in command)

Appearance :Crobo Shock Trooper
Weapons:Pistol PA-60 and Crobo Plasma launcher
Side: Green

4.Name: Kazuki
Appearance: Blue Clone
Age: N/A
Weapons: Lava digger, shotgun, katana >:3
Side: Green <3

5.Name: Red Jester.
Appearance: Crobo Shock Trooper (Modified "Myrtle" Armour [Shoulders and insignia spray-painted red]).
Age: 28.
Weapons: Twin Crobo PA-40Cs, Crobo AW-90, 2x Mk. 5 Grenades.
Team: None. (Mercenary)

6.Name: Shara
Appearance: Human, blond, athletic, With camo plants and a singlet
Age: 24?
Weapons: Pistol, knife, 1337 ninja skillz (like CQC combat and sneaking)
Side: In Crashed ship with amnesia

7.Name : Zack 294
Appearance : Jet Black spartan
Age : 29
Weapons (duh): Spartan Laser, Brute Spiker x2, Plasma Grenades, Bubble Shield (equip)
Side (red, green, or none) : Green

8.Name: Commander Gree
Appearence: Custom Mk 2 Kaminoan Clone armor
Chronologically: 13
Biologically: 26
Weapons: DC-19 Blast Shotgun, 2x modified DC-15 pistols, 7x Thermal Detonators
Side: Peace Seeker Feild Commander?

9.Name: Zeke
Appearence: Xbox Robot
Age: ??
Weapons: Fist
Side: None (Info at bottom)

10.Name: 3- Solid
Appearance: S- 3 Drone (coming soon, robot with single green light in center of forehead)
Age: N/A
Weapons: None yet
Side: None

Reds: "Royal Blade"
With brains in charge, the reds an empire, if the brain is killed the reds will collapse into chaos. They are ruthless, but organised and well equipped. Clones and robots, no matter how high ranked are always treated like dirt. Every member has brain-to-unit connection, disallowing resistance. There are 5 Brains in total. Do not mind who they control, as long as they obey.

Greens: "Peace seekers"
The greens are mostly people who have managed to get rid of the connection that comes with the reds. They believe that humans and robots can and should live peacefully, and that everyone is equal. Smaller than the other factions. They prefer clones and humans (if there are any left) over robots, but certain robots are allowed in.

Greys: 101
A secretive but large robotic army. No clones admitted. Lead by an unknown being they call "The Master". Not accepting members. Always hostile.

Let the RPing, BEGIN!


....System check complete.
15% Damage to CPU
0% Damage to weapons
50% Damage to armor
0% Damage to Spare memory Core
90% Damage to Memory core
Change memory core?
> Y
Changing core...
Spare core in place, Old memories sealed and backed up.
Activate video?
> Y
Activating central camera...

A small grey robot lay on a battle field, it had a large dent in it's head and lots of scratch marks all over, it looked very beat up.. A small light on the centre of it's head lit up..

> Check last login
Last login 4 days ago.
> Activate kinetic systems

The robot got up slowly and looked round, dead clones lay everywhere, most had a green heart symbol on they're shoulders. But a few had red star emblems. Metal lay around aswell, but this robot appeared to be the only one here.

> Access previous memory core.
WARNING! Previous memory core damaged, missing files, continue?
> Add uncorrupted files to new memory core.
Moving... Done.
> Hm...

The robot looked closer at the green symbols.
"Green.. Team... Peace Seekers.."

The robot looked round again, no sign of allies.

> Map.
No map found.
> Map.
No map found.
> ?
No map found.
> Scan area.
No map- fooo--unnaf.adsa.
> Need to find shelter, Scan a-r-e-a.
101010101101010101.... Done. ERROR

The robot walked off without any navigation, maybe it woudl find shelter...

- 3 Solid

Author:  SP2 [ Mon Jun 04, 2007 10:16 pm ]
Post subject: 

Name: SP2
Appearance: Robot 2
Weapons: Pistol, Riot Shield, Frag
Side: Green?

Also do we write our own story like you did?

Author:  venn177 [ Mon Jun 04, 2007 10:19 pm ]
Post subject: 

Name: Father Venn
Appearance: Hitler, I have a mod for it that won't work:/
Age: 38
Weapons: Mapwipe Grande, Chlorine Gas
Side: Nazi (Royal blade 2nd in command)

Author:  Orindell [ Mon Jun 04, 2007 10:24 pm ]
Post subject: 

Appearance :Crobo Shock Trooper
Weapons:Pistol PA-60 and Crobo Plasma launcher
Side: Green

Author:  venn177 [ Mon Jun 04, 2007 10:29 pm ]
Post subject: 

So how many people should we allow in before we start to actually do it, because if we allow too many we will have multiple stories going on, I say 10 people, then we start.

Author:  Orindell [ Mon Jun 04, 2007 10:45 pm ]
Post subject: 

No five!

Author:  SP2 [ Mon Jun 04, 2007 10:46 pm ]
Post subject: 

Maybe 8, it's in-between both your suggestions... But it is up to 3 Solid.

Author:  Kazuki [ Tue Jun 05, 2007 1:27 am ]
Post subject: 

Me next! :3

Name: Kazuki
Appearance: Blue Clone
Age: N/A
Weapons: Lava digger, shotgun, katana >:3
Side: Green <3

Author:  Dauss [ Tue Jun 05, 2007 4:28 am ]
Post subject: 

Hell, I'd join, but being second in command in Alphas story and writing one myself, it wouldn't feel right.

Good writing though, keep it up! :P

Author:  venn177 [ Tue Jun 05, 2007 4:31 am ]
Post subject: 

Lol...actually five does sound good, and then we need 5 more people to volunteer their names, 5 writers, 10 characters, how's that sound?

Author:  3 solid [ Tue Jun 05, 2007 8:33 am ]
Post subject: 

I agree with Father Venn.

- 3 Solid

Author:  venn177 [ Tue Jun 05, 2007 8:38 am ]
Post subject: 

Thank you, very rarely do people agree with me, oh and the 5 writers must use proper grammar=]

Author:  The-Masses13 [ Tue Jun 05, 2007 8:42 am ]
Post subject: 

Name: Red Jester.
Appearance: Crobo Shock Trooper (Modified "Myrtle" Armour [Shoulders and insignia spray-painted red]).
Age: 28.
Weapons: Twin Crobo PA-40Cs, Crobo AW-90, D.E.C.K. (Diamond-Edged Combat Knife), 2x Mk. 5 Grenades.
Team: None. (Mercenary)

- The-Masses

Author:  Elpolodiablo [ Tue Jun 05, 2007 9:00 am ]
Post subject: 

Name: Shara
Appearance: Human, blond, athletic, With camo plants and a singlet
Age: 24?
Weapons: Pistol, knife, 1337 ninja skillz (like CQC combat and sneaking)
Side: In Crashed ship with amnesia

Author:  3 solid [ Tue Jun 05, 2007 3:54 pm ]
Post subject: 

After alot of debate (yes, I do debate with myself) I decided on 8 people maximum, they all write. That way, we can have a wide range of stories without too much confusion. Sorry Father Venn..

You can start writing even before we get enough people if you want.

- 3 Solid (I'm not updating because I can't think of anything :P )

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