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Devil's Metal: story teaser please read!
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Author:  Fuzzo [ Mon May 28, 2007 9:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Devil's Metal: story teaser please read!

The air was thick in the hazy warfare, machines clambering over the hillsides devasting anything that lived. I ran as fast as i could into the nearest M17 Falcon avoiding the rain of bullets, bullets which swiped the lives out of the unlucky soliders. I scrambled into the cockpit and strapped myself in before initiating combat settings, a heavy roar emitted from the thrusters as the Falcon was heaved into the air.
I took control and pelted our enemies with a fistful of laser, I was the agile predator of the sky no one could get me. Excitement surged through me as I elinmated the thousands of traitorous scum. As I thought I was turning the tides of this war I noticed something large coming out of a thick plume of smoke, its strides were menacing, I halted the falcon into a hover setting as the behemoth strode towards me. I didn't even see it before it shot my left engine sending to dive like a bomb, the cockpit window smashed and the air whipped my skin, speed of the ship kept increasing and smoke clouded round me as I gasped for air. It wasn't long before pre-death drugs were adminstered, to make my final seconds plesurable, I lost concsnous as fell into the void of my limitless mind....

If you like please say so.

Chapter 1:

I awoke slowly, my vision blurry, I could make out a robot staring down at me saying things like *Proceed action 12789 recieving permission to complete action* 12789, no I laid in horror helpless, my limbs weak or broken. The robot pulled out a green tube with a thin tip at the end.
"No no" I faintly murmered trying to raise my arm,

It inserted the tube into my ear, the cold tip sent a shockwave down my spine, my anger grew as adrenaline pumped through my system.
"You...Will...Not HAVE MY BRAIN YOU BASTARDS" My fist sliced though the air and plummeted into the robots head as it dented. The robot crackled before falling to the ground. I tried getting up but the energy of anger seeped out my body and pain crawled back in. Luck must of been with me as a squad of H.A Troopers were sweeping the area of enemies, they found me writhing on the floor. They carried me back to the wyvern dropship to return to base. In the wyvern I still was forced to ly on my back as medics operated on my body. The wyvern shook slightly as it lifted into the air, the hull of the ship must of been taking light fire because the hull creaked and groaned. soon things became silent and anesthetics were injected into me, I became less tense as I drifted away from reality.

Finished chapter 1, yeah I know its short so don't complain please.

Author:  Tendrop [ Mon May 28, 2007 9:07 pm ]
Post subject: 

Ooh this is good! What is the ''Menacing Behemoth''?

Author:  MaximDude [ Mon May 28, 2007 9:08 pm ]
Post subject: 

Its ok... Its the first story I actually read... Cuz the onther ones are way too long...
Continiou writing it

Author:  Prod [ Mon May 28, 2007 9:56 pm ]
Post subject: 

All the ones I've read are really good, but I think there are waaay to many of them.

Author:  aracanid [ Mon May 28, 2007 10:01 pm ]
Post subject: 

I guess I should never have posted mine. That way this random string of storys wouldn't have started.

Author:  Fuzzo [ Mon May 28, 2007 10:01 pm ]
Post subject: 

you are absolutely correct.

Author:  The Punisher [ Fri Jun 08, 2007 6:50 am ]
Post subject: 

That was wierd but ok......
You should change "You...Will...Not HAVE MY BRAIN YOU BASTARDS" to "U WULL NUTZ HUVAH MAH BRAAAIN U NUB!!11oneoneone"
Just kidding.

But it's good, continue or die.

(Wierd in a good way)

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