Data Realms Fan Forums

Problems on widescreen
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Author:  ATOS Productions [ Mon Feb 25, 2013 4:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Problems on widescreen

My screen resolution is 1366x786. I tried to run CC at this res, and the top/bottoms seems to be cut off - I was playing campaign mode, and noticed that one of the AI teams has taken a gold site down in the south pole beyond the screen boundaries. Any fixes?

Author:  Izak12 [ Sun Mar 03, 2013 5:30 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Problems on widescreen

ATOS Productions wrote:
My screen resolution is 1366x786. I tried to run CC at this res, and the top/bottoms seems to be cut off - I was playing campaign mode, and noticed that one of the AI teams has taken a gold site down in the south pole beyond the screen boundaries. Any fixes?

Yeah, there is, and it took a ton of time to find it as its obscure knowledge.

Try these resolutions in the Settings.ini found in Base.rte/Settings.ini

Resolutions: 800x450, 850x460, 950x450, 780x420, 600x400, etc

And make sure NxWindowedMode has the value of : 2 and not 1.

Then it should be as big as you can handle, and run pretty smooth too. In windowed mode I mean.

Same principle for testing in FullScreen mode, keep at it! This game can do what you want if you don't give up on it.....

I wonder if Data has plans to release more story for this game, I mean he really shouldn't give up on marketting it, theres nothing else like it on the market... in terms of being able to run on pretty much any platform, with crazy modding potential.

Imagine Cortex Command + Story Mode.... :O

EDIT: NVM, I know what you're saying, as for the fix the only thing you can do is simply lower your mouse down to the bottom and it'll highlight it with the resolutions I've given to you, but the map will still be a little cut off, except now it SHOULD highlight.

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