Data Realms Fan Forums

Big screen TV mode?
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Author:  Ossius [ Sun Jan 27, 2013 1:13 am ]
Post subject:  Big screen TV mode?

So my brothers and I decided for Christmas to play Cortex on my dad's 52 inch LCD TV and when he plugged it into the TV the game was adjusted the screen. In the main menu you could see the entire planet, and ingame you could see like 1/3 of the map on your screen. It was like having 4 1080p monitors side by side, the text was microscopic and it was amazing to play!

The problem is we haven't been able to replicate this yet, we've tried with other people's TVs and PCs using HDMI cables like with my dad's and I even used my own PC on my dad's TV and it doesn't produce the same result. The only one that can do it is my brother on his GTX 680 card. Is there a setting that was tripped for him only or was it a glitch?

Author:  weegee [ Sun Jan 27, 2013 8:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Big screen TV mode?

Go to <CC installaion folder>\Base.rte\Settings.ini and try to set

   ResolutionX = 1920
   ResolutionY = 1080
   Fullscreen = 1
   NxWindowed = 1
   NxFullscreen = 1

If you're on Vista/7/8 you'll probably have to go to %userporfile%\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files\Data Realms\Cortex Command\Settings.ini

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