Data Realms Fan Forums

oh ****!!!
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Author:  Exalion [ Mon Apr 23, 2007 3:33 am ]
Post subject:  oh ****!!!

after hearing some stuff: just how different will the next version be?
i dont want to have to re-code all my mods and yell at people to re-code theirs so they are build 14 compatible. will i have to totally re-learn modding and re-do all my mods? (except spriting, unless they change that too)
anyone else worried?
is there anything to worry about?
if data is listening, can we have some info please?

Author:  purple [ Mon Apr 23, 2007 3:49 am ]
Post subject: 

He gave info.

He's messing around with time-steps.

Don't quote me on this, but this is my impression of what he's doing.

Faster computers calculate the physics more times per second/minute than slower computers. So objects sink faster.

You can see this yourself, by comparing the rate at which they sink after pressing 1 many times, and pressing 2 many times.

What he's trying to do is, either limit the number of calculations a second/minute of faster computers, or speed up slower computers.

I'm not sure if this is the same thing, but in some computer games, mainly FPS games, and that blockland game. There is an option, whether it is client side, or server side, to compensate for lag. The computer will "guess" where a player will be in a second, and give that data visually to the player, even if the guess isn't perfectly accurate, it's better than the player guessing where their target will pop up in a second.

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