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I still dont know how to put mods in CC HELP!!!
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Author:  Ziggy [ Sun Apr 08, 2007 3:16 am ]
Post subject:  I still dont know how to put mods in CC HELP!!!

Does anyone know how to put mods in cortex command people tell me how to buts it is hard to do it its hard and if there is that there is a sight to go on to see a vidoe how to put a mod in cc tell me please.

Author:  Zashlam [ Sun Apr 08, 2007 3:20 am ]
Post subject: 

Seriously. STOP SPAMMING. Maybe you could have just put all your questions to one thread, instead of four. You asked this once, and it's going to get locked.

But let me try and explain one more time!

1. Find a mod from the Mods forum.
2. Click the download button.
3. Open the downloaded file, which is usually (modname).rar and EXTRACT the files to Cortex Command folder, with a program like WinRAR, Power Archiver, Winzip.
4. The mod will go to cortex command folder. There are 3 folders already in that place. They are called: Base.rte, PromGrounds.rte and Test.rte. Your mod should create a fourth folder, called (whatever mod name).rte
5. Now click the cortex command.exe ( shortcut ). The thing you click when you want to play. Start a new game, and you should see your downloaded mod in the buy list. You have to order it, before you can use it.

Get it? If you don't get that, then pshhhhh. :sad:

Author:  hsc [ Sun Apr 08, 2007 4:25 am ]
Post subject:  Re: I still dont know how to put mods in CC HELP!!!

Ziggy wrote:
Does anyone know how to put mods in cortex command people tell me how to buts it is hard to do it its hard and if there is that there is a sight to go on to see a vidoe how to put a mod in cc tell me please.

I sense a ban.But seriously, whats your IQ? four topics! four topics! people today are DUMB!

Author:  AquaGeneral [ Sun Apr 08, 2007 4:39 am ]
Post subject: 

That is the reason I am creating so videos for CC such as how to install a mod and how to make a mod for these people that have a one-digit IQ number. :-P

Author:  DiviX [ Sun Apr 08, 2007 10:30 am ]
Post subject: 

1.once you have winrar download the mod
2.once download is complete a screen will pop up with the mod in it up the cortex command folder and bring up the winrar too (the one with the mod) and hold the mod folder in the winrar and drag it to an empty spot (that theres n folders or files) cortex commad and enjoy!



Author:  AquaGeneral [ Sun Apr 08, 2007 10:46 am ]
Post subject: 

/\ Explained in the picture very well. You have no excuse to need more help now. If not I will send you a link to my video tommorow.

Author:  GreenGuy [ Sun Apr 08, 2007 1:00 pm ]
Post subject: 

how dumb can you get!


Author:  Wildstar [ Sun Apr 08, 2007 2:02 pm ]
Post subject: 

This is the simplest way to explain it: download a mod, then extract it to the Cortex Command folder (the way to find the CC folder is click on 'My Computer', then the hard drive, then program files, then Data Realms and there is the Cortex Command folder =D) then (if there is one) read the readme file just encase there is another step (thanks to Data for telling me how). Then play Cortex Command. Some people wonder how to download new scenes, well do the same thing as with a mod only you have to be logged in to find the download link for them. Hope that helps! :D

Author:  MaximDude [ Sun Apr 08, 2007 2:19 pm ]
Post subject: 

Wow... Really I have no words... How old are you? 6? 7? Whats you IQ? 6? 7?... People today ARE dumb... Us the people of... long time ago... Arent

Cmon havent you ever used a computer? How can you exist without knowing how to extract files... AND READ THE FUDGIN F.A.Q!! IT SAYS HOW TO INSTALL MODS! Moron!

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