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Bear federation problems
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Author:  Necromonger [ Sun Nov 25, 2012 7:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Bear federation problems

Hi, sorry if I have posted this in the wrong section, but I wasnt gong to post this on the bear federation release thread. The last post there was a year ago so my post would probably have gone un-noticed, anyways, my problem is the mechs, when an enemy approaches and ive set them on ANY mode, they literally flop onto there fronts, face down, in a similar way an ostrich may shuv its head into the sand. Any suggestions or is this normal?

Author:  tankmayvin [ Mon Nov 26, 2012 2:52 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Bear federation problems

I think the issue is that they are using the "human ai" which causes them to duck and cover (like a human) instead of standing strong and shooting. Those mechs are so insanely op you can rambo one against whole armies no problem - no need to leave them under AI control, or have more than one :twisted:

Author:  Necromonger [ Mon Nov 26, 2012 8:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Bear federation problems

How do I change this? Can it be changed?

Author:  Notsoscary [ Mon Nov 26, 2012 8:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Bear federation problems

Necromonger wrote:
How do I change this? Can it be changed?

Ehhhh nope, sorry, the Human AI cant be changed (from us normal people) so, dont leave big mechs with lots of wepaons just standing alone.

Author:  Arcalane [ Mon Nov 26, 2012 9:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Bear federation problems

Necromonger wrote:
How do I change this? Can it be changed?

Yes, but only if you know Lua coding/scripting. You'd have to go into the script files, find the part that makes them try to take cover like that, and remove it.

Author:  Necromonger [ Mon Nov 26, 2012 9:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Bear federation problems

Oh. Ah well, its an old mod, may aswell just enjoy it for what it is. Although, I have another question :P I tried editing the constants.lua so that Bear federation units would spawn, sadly that wouldnt work either, but I noticed that whenever I have added more than 1 modded faction, only the first one in line would spawn, none of the others would?

Author:  Bad Boy [ Tue Nov 27, 2012 12:42 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Bear federation problems

This is probably the easiest solution to your previous problem, you may need to make a copy of human ai if its scriptpath is to the base one (or make a new script and reference humanai if you're using the new version, but never mind that).
Add the line
self:GetController():SetState(Controller.BODY_CROUCH, false);
to the end of the UpdateAI() function. It's not a real solution, it'll just make it so he never crouches when under ai control.

If you have trouble doing this just post, I'm sure I or someone else can do it for you.

Author:  Necromonger [ Tue Nov 27, 2012 7:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Bear federation problems

Bad Boy wrote:
Add the line
self:GetController():SetState(Controller.BODY_CROUCH, false);
to the end of the UpdateAI()

First of all, thanks for trying help me out :) that goes to everyone elses posts aswell, but im not entirely sure which file im editing. Is this editing the scripts in the Bear federation folder or the actual HumanAI file, becasue if it was the HumanAI file would it mean all units never crouch?

Author:  Bad Boy [ Tue Nov 27, 2012 10:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Bear federation problems

If bear federation has copies of the human ai with it, instead of referencing the human ai you can just add that to those.
Otherwise, you'll need to make a copy of human ai (copy it to bear federation) and reference it from the actor's ini file instead of the normal human ai.
With the new version the ai can be called from separate scripts which would make it easier. But I haven't had much time to look at that yet (haven't even downloaded the new version) so I don't want to give you bad advice for working with that.

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