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 What types of controllers can I use? (multiplayer) 
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Joined: Wed Oct 10, 2012 1:21 am
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Post What types of controllers can I use? (multiplayer)
Well I want to get my friends into this game so I'm buying another (bigger) moniter or maybe hook it up to my TV then We put our controllers in and BOOM hopefully we'll be playing! My questions are this: 1. What controllers, pads or any thing I can use to play multi with my friends and 2nd. Will my TV or moniter plan work. (I have a laptop) oh and one more question! How can I get more space? (note I'm getting the game soon but I dont have it yet)

Wed Oct 10, 2012 1:32 am
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Joined: Fri Feb 17, 2012 3:46 am
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Post Re: What types of controllers can I use? (multiplayer)
Haha I had this same problem when I was getting my friend over to try this game
1. (this step is VERY IMPORTANT) make sure you have a fast computer, because even though it doesn't look like it the game is VERY tough to run. you will not need a super computer but something just barely short of it. (something that can run BF3 well on low graphics) but even if you do have a slowish computer you can still run it just you will experience quite a bunch of slow downs.

2. there are quite a few controllers that you can use but it's best to use a CORDED Xbox 360 controller.

3. (cordless only) if you already have a CORDLESS xbox 360 controller you can buy a wireless router at you're local geek store (best buy, future shop, ect) so you're cordless will work on the pc.

4. (cordless and corded) then you will have to download free xbox 360 controller for windows software from one of the microsoft websites. ... ads#gaming (if there is no link to the site just copy and paste the link, im kind of a noob when it comes to forums)
then plug in you're controller BEFORE opening cortex command as if you plug one in while it's running you will need to restart the game.

5. go to the options screen and configure the controller, the Xbox 360 preset is the best and make sure that when you configure you have it set to game-pad 1. if you have more than 2 players plug in more controllers and configure theirs to game-pad 2,3 and have fun playing.

about the TV.
if you have a slow computer don't hook it up to a TV as higher resolutions = slower game. however if you have a super computer feel free to hook it up to a mega big TV but if you are only playing with 1 other person you should be fine with a regular monitor.

Wed Oct 10, 2012 3:28 pm

Joined: Wed Oct 10, 2012 1:21 am
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Post Re: What types of controllers can I use? (multiplayer)
Thanks man (or girl) but thanks. This really helped! Time to buy some new gear. :grin:

Sat Oct 20, 2012 12:03 am
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