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How do I access the build menu on a D-Pad-Controller?
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Author:  Madrawn [ Sun Oct 07, 2012 8:05 am ]
Post subject:  How do I access the build menu on a D-Pad-Controller?

Hi, my current controller is "broken" so the two control sticks won't work and all I got left is the D-Pad on my controller.

Lucky me there seems to be a control scheme for d-pad-controllers.
So I set it up and I was quite pleased as it didn't feel as awkward as I feared.
But then, woe me, I tried to access the buy menu.

I can bring the radial up fine, but only seem to be able to access the menu points in the 4 (NESW) directions and the icons in the top right and the bottom left.
I don't manage to select the buy menu.

Is there a simple trick I am missing? Or is my controller completely screwed?

It isn't that the control sticks don' function at all, but they're sooo crappy that I would be better at aiming when using my mouse with my feet.
For the menu it would be good enough, but walking and aiming just ain't no fun like that. But I haven't seen a way to enable using the command menu with one stick but still aim with the d-pad.

Author:  Ganenge [ Sun Oct 07, 2012 6:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: How do I access the build menu on a D-Pad-Controller?

Unfortunately the pie menu will not work with the d-pad control setup, I have tried to script controls manually and the pie menu selection can only be controlled by an analog that is either movement only or aim only.
I’ve been having the same trouble with my ‘Microsoft sidewinder’ controller and I find the only practical solution is

1.Go to configure controls.
2. Select custom analog.
3. Assign the movement keys to a,b,y,x (I think those are the correct Xbox buttons).
4. Assign the aim keys to the d-pad.
5. Assign other keys to unused buttons you see fit.

If anyone knows how to assign the d-pad aim system to A and Y you could use the d-pad for movement only, but I have no clue how to do that as of now. if i can figure it out i will post it.

Author:  Ganenge [ Sun Oct 07, 2012 8:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: How do I access the build menu on a D-Pad-Controller?

I’ve attempted to use Y and A to aim in the same fashion that up and down would be used on the d-pad controls. Not only did it not work, but it crashed the game, whoever programed this game did not put much thought into control setups.

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