Data Realms Fan Forums

Are CPU vs. CPU fights possible?
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Author:  Madrawn [ Fri Oct 05, 2012 9:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Are CPU vs. CPU fights possible?

Hi, I haven't been playing cortex command for a loooong time.

I've been searching Google a bit but nothing turned up, so is this somehow possible? As the AI seems to be finally capable to handle itself in the campaign I thought it might be fun to watch some AI vs. AI action.
But for now I haven't been able to spot a option to allow 2 CPU-Players instead of a human vs. one CPU.

For example I think it would be fun to build a bunker, stuff one AI in it and let the other one assault it with limited funds, or something similar.
If this is in any way possible I would be thankful for a DAU(Dumbest Assumable User)-proof explanation on how to do that.


Author:  Collective [ Sat Oct 06, 2012 2:29 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Are CPU vs. CPU fights possible?

There's a mod for something like it, but it looks pretty outdated and buggy. Otherwise, you're out of luck.

Author:  Madrawn [ Sat Oct 06, 2012 6:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Are CPU vs. CPU fights possible?

Ok, thanks. I had a look at the mod and it doesn't seem to work.
It doesn't crash or anything, I can select it, start it but then it throws me into edit mode and nothing else happens.

I had a look inside the .lua file and it's only 300 rows long so I think I'll try to figure out what it did and why it doesn't do anything anymore.

Author:  Madrawn [ Sat Oct 06, 2012 9:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Are CPU vs. CPU fights possible?

I did it!

I'm not quite sure how but after fumbling around and looking at other .lua files I managed to get it running again!

I posted the "fixed" mod as a reply to the original thread.

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Author:  Collective [ Sat Oct 06, 2012 10:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Are CPU vs. CPU fights possible?

You are a wonderful person.

Author:  BremusJacklancer [ Sat Oct 06, 2012 10:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Are CPU vs. CPU fights possible?

Madrawn wrote:
I did it!

I'm not quite sure how but after fumbling around and looking at other .lua files I managed to get it running again!

I posted the "fixed" mod as a reply to the original thread.

EDIT: Ah it does work with 1.0 NIIIICE

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