Data Realms Fan Forums

New player, Not disappointed at all.
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Author:  neil_v [ Mon Oct 01, 2012 11:55 am ]
Post subject:  New player, Not disappointed at all.

This game is awesome. I recommended it to my brother, he bought 2 by accident (humble bundle misadventure) and loves the game as well. Yep, the game has flaws... not as flawed as Skyrim.
So the ai would rather wave their pistols around than mine, and the ai can't use the dummy faction to save its life.
So the guys get stuck up on the terrain and I cant climb ladders with the keyboard.
So what that the stationary ai should never be given a flak cannon, and the map seam in that bunker assault level kills without mercy.
This is a great game, and I will be playing it for a while.

-Edited some grammar

Author:  MrC121989 [ Mon Oct 01, 2012 1:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New player, Not disappointed at all.

You wont play any other game for several years like Cortex Command, you can always get back to it and play around with new mods and stuff.

Author:  Luringen [ Mon Oct 01, 2012 4:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New player, Not disappointed at all.

MrC121989 wrote:
You wont play any other game for several years like Cortex Command, you can always get back to it and play around with new mods and stuff.

Confirmed, I might stop playing for some months while still lurking on the forums, before jumping back in with some new mods after a while. Cortex Command is unique.

Author:  neil_v [ Mon Oct 01, 2012 10:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New player, Not disappointed at all.

I found this game on StumbleUpon, and bought it immediately. The reason for such an impulsive purchase was I always wanted to make this game myself. Not a game like this, just this game. It does everything I wanted in a side scrolling-strategy-shoot 'em up.
This game will last a long time indeed, with breaks for Dwarf Fortress, M&B Warband, and my own hack attack game making.

Author:  111herbert111 [ Mon Oct 01, 2012 11:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New player, Not disappointed at all.

Luringen wrote:
MrC121989 wrote:
You wont play any other game for several years like Cortex Command, you can always get back to it and play around with new mods and stuff.

Confirmed, I might stop playing for some months while still lurking on the forums, before jumping back in with some new mods after a while. Cortex Command is unique.

Yeah, some people have laid out the criticism that Cortex Command is more of a sandbox or toy than a real game, but I think that's it's biggest strength, to few games let people have their own fun.

Author:  Gnurdy [ Tue Oct 02, 2012 8:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New player, Not disappointed at all.

I just bought this game too, and I can't help but keep thinking: where has this game been hiding?! I'll admit, the learning curve is pretty steep at the start (I think this is the first tutorial that took me three tries to complete), but I love this game. And even though single-player is awesome, I can't wait to get some of my friends to play this on the big screen with a couple controllers. It isn't as difficult to move the people around as some people say, and I actually think it makes it really feel like you are trying to control a body remotely from your cyborg brain. This game is amazing, and I haven't even checked out the mods yet.

Author:  MrC121989 [ Tue Oct 02, 2012 11:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New player, Not disappointed at all.

Glad to see people who actually enjoying the game instead of crying on every little detail.
Go see the mod section as soon as possible you will find many great things out there.

Author:  uberhen [ Tue Oct 02, 2012 11:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New player, Not disappointed at all.

Gnurdy wrote:
...It isn't as difficult to move the people around as some people say, and I actually think it makes it really feel like you are trying to control a body remotely from your cyborg brain. This game is amazing, and I haven't even checked out the mods yet.

I agree, the physics are sound IMO. If controlled actors in CC never stumbled, I would find it odd given the harsh terrain they travel. And no, a dreadnaught with tiny crab legs shouldn't be able to climb a steep grade with bumps and rocks. I do miss the old burst jetpacks, though I guess it's there to make mass more of a consideration to players.

And yes, mods are the lifeblood of this game.

Author:  MeCooper [ Wed Oct 03, 2012 1:24 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New player, Not disappointed at all.

I also bought this game the day it came out on steam, although i discovered it though twitter and bought it from here since i got a steam key for that anyway and :) extra $3 for the dev hehehe.

I think this is one of the best games I've played in a long, long time. I'm still learning new things and I've been playing for more then 20 hours now, don't think that has happened since I discovered the X series.

But I wonder if there is a good "booklet" for it anywhere, there is a lot of things I don't know how to do, or things I'm not sure are possible, like Is it possible to land a rocket and jump in it and take off? I had a look at the wiki but couldn't really find anything in.

Author:  MrC121989 [ Wed Oct 03, 2012 2:19 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New player, Not disappointed at all.

MeCooper wrote:
But I wonder if there is a good "booklet" for it anywhere, there is a lot of things I don't know how to do, or things I'm not sure are possible, like Is it possible to land a rocket and jump in it and take off? I had a look at the wiki but couldn't really find anything in.

Yep you can do that same goes with drop ships. Try to loadup your rocket with lots of grenades and all kinds of explosives and ram it in some enemies.
Or you can abduct them with your dropship.
But enyways i think its one of the best things in this game is to figure different methods how to dispatch your enemies.

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