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error message help
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Author:  Portoparty [ Sun Mar 25, 2007 4:24 pm ]
Post subject:  error message help

I dont know if this is the right forum, but what does this error message mean when Im modding a weapon and try to run the game to test it?

<Referring to an instance ('Name here') to copy from that hasnt been defined! in "name".rte/devices.ini at "line">

I seem to encounter it often...

Author:  whef [ Sun Mar 25, 2007 4:39 pm ]
Post subject: 

I think what it is (I get it too) is that you have to "define" a name. Like if you say "CopyofMagazien= AK-47Mag" then that would mean you have to make it so the magizien's name is "AK-47Mag" or else it won't know what "AK-47Mag" is. Also you might have already done that and said "but I already did that and it still doesn't work!?!" Then the problem might be that you put the "Ak-47Mag" after the fact you said "CopyofMagazien= AK-47Mag" so then it can't find it because it hasn't gotten there yet.

P.S. This is in the wronge section it should be in "Computer Help" topic, but thats alright :wink:

Author:  Portoparty [ Sun Mar 25, 2007 4:47 pm ]
Post subject: 

thanks for the answer, but Im not quite sure how to fix it yet (I can be a little slow) , Ill give u the exact situation At the moment, Im trying to make a timed mine dispenser, but so Im in the middle of making the mine, (tell me if Im doing something wrong) but right now I have

add particles = MOpixel
copy of = grenade frag

it says that the red part is undefined, so how would I go about fixing this? could I have instructions if its not TOO much to ask?

wait I think I might get it, give me a sec to test it out

Posted after 2 minutes 4 seconds:

no I still dont quite get it, I think that since Im talking about an explosive and ur talking about a magazine for a weapon the same answer may not apply...

Author:  jaybud4 [ Sun Mar 25, 2007 4:56 pm ]
Post subject: 

It's CopyOf. One word. And it's not "Grenade Frag," it's "Frag Grenade"
If you want help, I recommend using the ACTUAL lines from the code, not ones you just made up.
And I'm pretty sure that a TDExplosive can't be an MOPixel.

Author:  BreenedandScrooned [ Sun Mar 25, 2007 9:02 pm ]
Post subject: 

I might be able to help you if you post the mod.

Author:  Portoparty [ Mon Mar 26, 2007 2:52 am ]
Post subject: 

jaybud4 wrote:
It's CopyOf. One word. And it's not "Grenade Frag," it's "Frag Grenade"
If you want help, I recommend using the ACTUAL lines from the code, not ones you just made up.
And I'm pretty sure that a TDExplosive can't be an MOPixel.

actaully I copied those directly from the lines...
maybe what Im using a screwed up format? I got the format from another poster on the forums...

Author:  Grif [ Mon Mar 26, 2007 3:39 am ]
Post subject: 

Upload the code, and any number of people will fix it for you.

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