Data Realms Fan Forums

The Coalition
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Author:  Tomthetechy [ Sat Sep 22, 2012 4:25 pm ]
Post subject:  The Coalition

Hello Chaps.

I don't really post much on the forum but I love CC and I think the community and the Dev team are doing swell.

And now I've come to ask something, One: What is the origin of the coalition? Both lore wise and development wise? Are they governmental troops or are they some kind of private military company.

And two: Would it be possible to get a high resolution image or drawing of the coalition's logo? I'm planning on using it to start The coalition in another game called "Shores of Hazeron" A fairly basic game that has been in alpha since 1996! (Kind of like a MMO spore) So would I possibly be able to use a hi-res logo for the Empires flag? And would I be aloud the Dev's permission to use it?

Once again you guys are doing a great job on CC and i hope that it has a big popularity boost on launch day.


Author:  Jomn [ Sun Sep 23, 2012 5:52 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Coalition

Here's Promster's concept art thread. Has some nice CC lore and concept art.

Here's Promster's CC page on his site. Has even more lore.

Author:  comham [ Mon Sep 24, 2012 5:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Coalition

Jomn wrote:
Here's Promster's concept art thread. Has some nice CC lore and concept art.

Here's Promster's CC page on his site. Has even more lore.

Man, that's pretty sweet art. I can see that's the dropship sprite used in the CVE demo to demonstrate how it can just take a bitmap and make it a game object. Maybe the other stuff will see use in CC2. Here's hoping.

I love how nearly all the wildlife is some form of crab, too. That cracks me up.

Author:  Tomthetechy [ Mon Sep 24, 2012 6:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Coalition

Spunky looking.

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