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CC Drawing apps for IPad
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Author:  Djinn [ Thu Aug 30, 2012 1:59 am ]
Post subject:  CC Drawing apps for IPad

Heya - I'll be heading on a trip in the next little while and I'm wondering if you guys know of any apps for IPad that can be used for drawing in CC's palette. Most of them that I've seen are actually painting styled, where I'm looking for a basic paint program that lets me load in bmps and cut and paste and such. Any ideas?

Author:  robolee [ Sat Sep 01, 2012 7:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: CC Drawing apps for IPad

I remember seeing these two adobe air applications: but whether or not they actually run on ipad is a mystery to me (I've seen some things that suggest it's possible but not sure if it must be compiled specifically for ipad or whatever). And this actual ipad pixel editor: ... 15745?mt=8 .

A quick google search also yielded: .

Although why you'd want to do pixel art on a touch based device is beyond me, but to each his own.

Author:  Bombzero [ Wed Sep 05, 2012 1:27 am ]
Post subject:  Re: CC Drawing apps for IPad

Yeah the entire concept of "art tablets", that are basically purpose built over-engineered laptop mouses... is for drawing/painting easily.
I imagine drawing on a crappad is about the same, just with significantly less quality and options by comparison.

for pixel art I would say mouse and keyboard are your friend.

Author:  Djinn [ Wed Sep 05, 2012 1:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: CC Drawing apps for IPad

It's not so much a matter of wanting to do it or preferring to use a tablet and more to do with not having computer access but having tablet access.

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