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Funny first try at this game
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Author:  Pau-Ken [ Mon Aug 06, 2012 11:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Funny first try at this game

Hello, this here pau-ken, hardware fanatic, and omw to boot camp in two months in AF ^>^.

Started my first scrimish at the game and the bot spawned right next to me turing turn one... Im like :-? O shoot, I have to kill his brain dude quick. He waltzed over to me and killed me in 2 bullets and I haven't figured out how the UI and movement works first hand.

I was under the impression the bot player isn't that bright yet lol. Not A complaint just wanna share my first experience of this game. Did you guys get whacked like that At some point ? :P

Author:  Sir [ Tue Aug 07, 2012 11:06 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Funny first try at this game

You think skirmish is hard? Try dummy assault. To this day I have only beaten it about 2-3 times. I don't have any idea how you're meant to beat it when the dummys just keep on spawning and going for your brain.

Author:  Natti [ Tue Aug 07, 2012 11:17 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Funny first try at this game

I always did it by having 2-3 guys with long-range weaponry defending my brain and then infiltrating the base with 2 guys.

Author:  Luringen [ Tue Aug 07, 2012 11:18 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Funny first try at this game

Dummy Assault? Drop inn a coalition turret, and put a dreadnaught in front of it as a meatshield. That combo can keep intruders away for quite a while, so you can send a soldier down the first hole and dig a tunnel through the large amounts of gold that lies there. Then all you need is a light browncoat with a autoshotty, some nades and a medium digger for getting in and out of vents, and you're good to go. Takes a couple of tries to get to the brain, but you should have enough gold for that. If they're getting to your brain, dump some small dummy turrets to help your coalition gatling turret. Maybe another dreadnaught too.

Author:  unwoundpath [ Tue Aug 07, 2012 11:39 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Funny first try at this game

I just send one guy in and kill it before they get to my brain.

Author:  Sir [ Tue Aug 07, 2012 11:53 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Funny first try at this game

Luringen wrote:
Dummy Assault? Drop in a coalition turret, and put a dreadnaught in front of it as a meatshield. That combo can keep intruders away for quite a while, so you can send a soldier down the first hole and dig a tunnel through the large amounts of gold that lies there. Then all you need is a light browncoat with a autoshotgun, some nades and a medium digger for getting in and out of vents, and you're good to go. Takes a couple of tries to get to the brain, but you should have enough gold for that. If they're getting to your brain, dump some small dummy turrets to help your coalition gatling turret. Maybe another dreadnaught too.

Wow. Been trying to beat that mission for six days straight. Generally I have to resort to cheap tactics like digging straight to the brain. Thanks for the help! :-D

Author:  Luringen [ Tue Aug 07, 2012 1:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Funny first try at this game

Sir wrote:
Wow. Been trying to beat that mission for six days straight. Generally I have to resort to cheap tactics like digging straight to the brain. Thanks for the help! :-D

Glad to help! ;)

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