Data Realms Fan Forums

Picking a faction to fight?
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Author:  hydroline [ Sun Jul 15, 2012 6:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Picking a faction to fight?

I was wondering how I can choose which faction to fight instead of them being randomly picked. I noramally play endless skirmish mode.

Author:  No_0ne [ Mon Jul 16, 2012 4:36 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Picking a faction to fight?

Open up Constants.lua in the Base.rte, go to the line that says rte.TechList and remove the factions you don't want to fight against.

So, if you only wanted to fight the Coalition, it would look like this:
rte.TechList = {"Coalition"};

Author:  Joseh123 [ Tue Jul 17, 2012 5:34 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Picking a faction to fight?

Oh, and I also have a question related to the title and thread. Is there any way to change the Load outs to the ones of a specific faction without going on the campaign, just going to a normal skirmish battle?

Author:  Sir [ Tue Jul 17, 2012 12:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Picking a faction to fight?

Is there a way to make the AI use all factions instead of having only one faction to fight for the entire match? It gets very annoying building an awesome base only to get stuck with the dummys for the rest of the game.

Author:  Cybernetic [ Fri Jul 20, 2012 10:22 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Picking a faction to fight?

For endless it would be really great if the factions cycled. There would be a lua timer and every few minutes the attacking faction would swap. Giving each faction a chance to go at you. I will try coding this myself in lua and post it here.

I don't think you guys UNDERSTAND how long it took me to find this topic again.
But here it is as promised, borowed my friends laptop to code this, was realy easy though.

Copy all that in the spoiler into your Data Realms\Cortex Command\Base.rte\Activities\EndlessSkirmish.lua

Also if you want to play against all factions:

that you replace in Cortex Command\Base.rte\Constants.lua

Author:  Sir [ Sun Jul 22, 2012 4:48 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Picking a faction to fight?

Cybernetic wrote:
Copy all that in the spoiler into your Data Realms\Cortex Command\Base.rte\Activities\EndlessSkirmish.lua

I did, but every time I go into endless skirmish defense the lua console says something along the lines of "endless skirmish defense was NOT started due to errors". Do I copy it into Data Realms\Cortex Command\Base.rte\Activities\EndlessSkirmish.lua, or do I replace it? :???:

Author:  Joseh123 [ Mon Jul 23, 2012 1:35 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Picking a faction to fight?

I think you gotta replace it... If you did, then copy :D

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