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 mods in the linux build 
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Joined: Tue Jul 31, 2012 6:42 pm
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Post mods in the linux build
I just got CC to work on my ubuntu 12.10 system after one too many crashes and slowdown in the windows build in wine. It ran after I built some of the libraries myself rather than the compiles ones that ship with the game. Fullscreen and 2x mode seem to crash the display system at some level, such that it renders the os unusable until I kill the process. On a lighter note, it does work several times faster than the windows build through wine. Some of the sound seems to be 'rendered' in 8-bit, but that's a feature, not a bug :grin: .

When I try to add a mod, Unmapped Lands, to be specific, it crashes at the first attempt to load a bmp (it does manage to traverse the ini tree though). At first I thought it was an encoding problem so I used dos2unix to convert all ini files. That didn't fix it, and then I realized that the parser accounts for this anyway.

The vanilla bmp files are exactly the same in the windows and linux build, so the mod files should work.

Anyone else have this problem? Did you fix it? How?

Update: I figured it out. Since files names in windows are case insensitive, the mod makers didn't have to worry about how they typed the directory and file names in the ini files. I made a script that changes the names of every directory, resource and references thereof in the ini files to lower case. The game now loads up to a point, but..

Finally I realized that the mod I was trying to play doesn't work since the lastest linux build is B25 :x .
If anyone is interested I'll post the script.

Tue Jul 31, 2012 7:37 pm
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