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Metagame Fun
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Author:  Harzipan [ Sat Jul 07, 2012 8:59 am ]
Post subject:  Metagame Fun

Well, not many places to put this, as we don't have a 'Lounge' section for Game Discussion.

I've been entertaining myself in the Metagame by self restricting my self as the World Mediator. I do this by:

1. Having the AI bots, each on a separate team.
2. Have the max amount of sites.
3. Restrict each AI to one site.
4. Prevent the AI from taking an opposing side's site.
5. Prevent the AI teams from taking unvealed sites, unless they have no site to call their own.
5a. If an AI has no site of it's own, then when a battle starts and it is a part of it, destroy all other AI besides the AI with no site. Afterwards, evacuate the site and defend it for the following three turns, or until they are able to defend themselves.
6. Continue this until one of the AI's is destroyed by an opposing force. Then promptly decimate the offending AI's site using superior wealth and firepower accumulated throughout the game.

That's it. Feel free to post your own restrictions if you feel like it.

Author:  Nocifer [ Sat Jul 07, 2012 5:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Metagame Fun

I have been doing exactly this, and it's really quite entertaining. Like looking after squabbling children, almost.

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