Data Realms Fan Forums

NEED sound improvement
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Author:  mechwarrior [ Fri Jul 06, 2012 2:29 am ]
Post subject:  NEED sound improvement

CC needs some sound balancing in it.

sometimes im in the mood to put on my head phones and turn up the volume so things get loud and fun and overall makes a awesome experience but i have one problem with that... the extra sounds like the pinging of metal when it gets hit or the crunching sound when a person falls a small height or that noise of drop-ship engines IS JUST TO ♥♥♥♥ LOUD im trying to have a fun time but the whole time i hear
and the average gunfight sounds like
" pow pow pow PINGINGINSGOIWAOUOIWUEASUVITUNEC (aka the sound of metal getting hit is louder than the gun)"
also explosions need to be louder, right now a gun is like 5x louder than a explosion. sometimes i even mistaken a rocket explosion as a fart! actually, my farts are louder than that.

in conclusion im sick of the things that are supposed to be loud be quieter than the things that are supposed to be quite

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