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Campaign suggestions: NEW SUGGESTIONS!
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Author:  mechwarrior [ Thu Jun 21, 2012 3:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Campaign suggestions: NEW SUGGESTIONS!

Sorry if my writing is horrible I'm writing this on my iPod so I don't have spell check also my fingers are like sausages on this touch screen.

I have a few suggestions for the campaign cause currently it seems very unbalanced.
P.s. I'm not going to complain about bugs. There are already enough posts about that.

1. When you're brain comes in his loadout should change according to your budget So with a low budget he will come in on a drop crate with something like a pistol and a light digger but on higher budgets he will come in on a drop ship with a assault rifle a pistol and a med-heavy digger (but never something like a uber cannon or rocket laucher cause that would take away to much from your money for buying units)

2. Whenever you make a base and then defend it all of your guys are in patrol mode so all of them just walk out of your base and get themselves killed. Good thing in b27 they can pass through eachother cause in b26 they used to trample eachother and kill them.

3. Gold sites need to appear more often cause it's very anoying to own 6 places and the a 7th place appears but due to the amount of money you have it's obvious you will win the fight.

4. Need a large scale mode where ALL (not just 8 but ALL of them) maps are avalible from the start and a board game mode where once again all maps are available at the start but the difference is that as soon as you pick your first place to capture the only way you can capture other places is by attacking locations that are beside you example: if you have a base in Vesod plains the only way your enemy's could attack you is if they owned fredeleig plains. Also if you want to get to rayvord tundra you will need to own fredeleig plains or rhias forest and to acsess slodran wilderness you will need to own yskely mountains or burrraki desert (that's as close as I could get to the south water)

Thank you for reading and feel free to report any errors I made in this. also if this should be posted somewhere please tell me cause im always nervous when making new posts.

after playing the campaign again i just thought of some new suggestions! hopefully they are not to demanding its just this needs to change in order to make the game more enjoyable P.S. the paragraphs below this one are written with a keyboard so my writing will be better.

5. THE ZOMBIES NEED TO CHANGE! I'm sick of the factions that don't have turrets and mechs and instead having zombies on their team cause they are ugly and don't fit besides the coalition/dummy turrets and mechs are tough as nails while the zombies can be beat with a glock to the chest. this especially is annoying with the brown coats cause you know the brown coats are expensive and strong so why cant they have a turret or mech that's expensive and strong?

6. the A.I needs to be more smart. i know how difficult it is to program A.I to do things especially in a environment that is constantly changing but this A.I it just way to crappy
i made a small list of things that can improve the A.I:

A. if you shoot at the A.I but it does not know where you are then he will spray in the direction of you're fire, if you cease fire he will continue to shoot for at least 3 seconds just to make sure you are dead.

B. when the A.I orders more troops while you are attacking them the new troops should hunt you're brain down cause currently you can just sit in a cave somewhere and have a infinitely long game.

C. if the A.I finds you but you go behind cover they should run after you and jump over you're cover because it gets annoying to have the A.I shooting at you then you hide in cover and the A.I just stands there pointlessly as if nothing happened. the A.I should only chase you for 3 seconds to prevent A.Is that are behind base windows from sqwerming out the window.

sorry if this list is annoying its just that i get pissed when the A.I act like idiots that have a 1 second memory.

Author:  Azukki [ Thu Jun 21, 2012 5:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Campaign suggestions

Absolutely agreed on number 2; it's very frustrating when you build a base, position actors exactly where you want them, and then when you start a game they scramble like cockroaches with a bright light on. They should default to sentry mode.

#1 is a good idea too, but the big problem with brains is that they're so vulnerable when they're first landing during an attack or expedition. If you're getting attacked, you can just send one dude over to the landing site and open fire on the brainbot before he hits the ground, or you can just crash a 50 gold rocket into him. If you're on an expedition, the easiest thing to do is drop off your brainbot, continue controlling the craft it came in on, and then crash into the enemy brain.
Letting the inbound brains have a moment to dig in and order some actors (and do only that) before the fighting starts seems necessary if you want each game's turn to last more than a minute.

Author:  Gotcha! [ Thu Jun 21, 2012 5:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Campaign suggestions

I definitely agree with .2. It feels like an oversight/bug. It's bloody annoying setting them all to sentry at the start of each fight. Can't imagine this was meant to be.
A player's actors should always default to sentry (in my ever so humble opinion).

Author:  Bad Boy [ Thu Jun 21, 2012 10:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Campaign suggestions

As far as I can tell any presets you place will come in as sentry but anyone else will go as patrol. Whether deliberate or not it's irritating, the best solution would be for you to be able to set each actor/preset's ai mode in the base editor.

Author:  Arcalane [ Fri Jun 22, 2012 12:25 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Campaign suggestions

Nope, seems they all default to Patrol. Which is very annoying if you're building a base in phases, and your Heavies are stupid enough to wander away from their posts... to fall down pits and get stuck. :roll:

Author:  NikolaiLev [ Sat Jun 23, 2012 12:40 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Campaign suggestions

Am I the only one who finds campaign ridiculously easy? Someone mentioned the ease at which enemy brains can be dispatched, so that's one issue.

The enemy brain AI is just so poor at surviving. It will often just dig down a few feet and sit there. It should dig down, and then to the side, forming an L; this is an easily defensible position especially if you continue digging down and place a guard at the bottom of the L. Or, you can keep angling and make an even harder to assault tunnel.

It seems silly for the AI to bother assaulting a position if all it can afford is a brain. 800-1000 seems the minimum.

Also, when the player attacks a site, the guards should be a little more aggressive about hunting down the attackers. At the very least, make them hide/take cover/return fire if they're being sniped at. I often simply lob grenades from behind a wall or pelt them with a machine gun and they just stand there.

I tried to put 3 enemy AIs on team 2. This was a little more threatening, except they don't really know how to work as a team, often taking over only 1 site when they could take over 3 for the income.

And yes, I agree that there should be a large scale mode. In fact, I'm not sure why that isn't the case already. A "show all sites" tick box at campaign start would be nice, that way the AI would generally have a chance to get another site.

Author:  Asklar [ Sat Jun 23, 2012 12:47 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Campaign suggestions

NikolaiLev wrote:
Am I the only one who finds campaign ridiculously easy? Someone mentioned the ease at which enemy brains can be dispatched, so that's one issue.

The enemy brain AI is just so poor at surviving. It will often just dig down a few feet and sit there. It should dig down, and then to the side, forming an L; this is an easily defensible position especially if you continue digging down and place a guard at the bottom of the L. Or, you can keep angling and make an even harder to assault tunnel.

It seems silly for the AI to bother assaulting a position if all it can afford is a brain. 800-1000 seems the minimum.

Also, when the player attacks a site, the guards should be a little more aggressive about hunting down the attackers. At the very least, make them hide/take cover/return fire if they're being sniped at. I often simply lob grenades from behind a wall or pelt them with a machine gun and they just stand there.

I tried to put 3 enemy AIs on team 2. This was a little more threatening, except they don't really know how to work as a team, often taking over only 1 site when they could take over 3 for the income.

And yes, I agree that there should be a large scale mode. In fact, I'm not sure why that isn't the case already. A "show all sites" tick box at campaign start would be nice, that way the AI would generally have a chance to get another site.

Yes, really, I agree with most things in here.

Campaign is pretty easy because generally when the enemy begins an assault, they drop the brain robot and after a long time they bring a single trooper. There is a period when the enemy brain is so lightly defended that killing it is very easy; the idea of giving some sort of advantage to the attacking enemy brain is good, like, an artillery strike, additional and instant reinforcements at the beggining, things like that.

Also, about the AI assaulting and only having funds for the brain is ridiculous; it's just gonna dig down for a while, and then, nothing. It can easily turn into an endless stage if you also don't have any money/soldiers to attack it.

And a full scale campaing mode would be epic, specially after putting all maps of MP3.

Author:  MuffinzExe [ Sat Jun 23, 2012 10:33 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Campaign suggestions

Asklar wrote:
Campaign is pretty easy because generally when the enemy begins an assault, they drop the brain robot and after a long time they bring a single trooper. There is a period when the enemy brain is so lightly defended that killing it is very easy; the idea of giving some sort of advantage to the attacking enemy brain is good, like, an artillery strike, additional and instant reinforcements at the beggining, things like that.

I think I'd like to see soemthing like a "first strike"-manager. You can choose if you want to have an artillery strike first and then either land one rocket with your brain or land multiple rockets with troops, or if you want, you can just drop some dropcrates with your troopes in it and crush the enemys while landing and killing everything around your drop crate with the troops inside it.
That could be achieved with a buymenu right after the scan (if you have bought it) in which you can buy the stuff i mentioned before.

I somewhat agree with you third point OP, another option would be that you automaticlly discover another area once you have captured all of them.

Campaign really is easy, I sometimes let the enemy capture every single gold site except one and then try to defeat them. It's a bit more fun but it's still very easy.
I demand intelligent AI! :P

Author:  Asklar [ Sat Jun 23, 2012 10:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Campaign suggestions: NEW SUGGESTIONS!

About strikes, I think I read on the Devlog's TODO List that said something about buying orbital bombardments.
I hope it does help the AI though, and doesn't make the game easier for us.

Author:  mechwarrior [ Sun Jun 24, 2012 6:49 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Campaign suggestions: NEW SUGGESTIONS!

Oh god I can just imagine the A.I being jerks and dropping the orbital bombardments on themselves. There already bad enough with rockets landing on their brains.

Author:  MuffinzExe [ Sun Jun 24, 2012 1:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Campaign suggestions: NEW SUGGESTIONS!

mechwarrior wrote:
There already bad enough with rockets landing on their brains.

I think Data's Twitter said that he fixed that.

Author:  MidnightMuffin [ Wed Jul 04, 2012 11:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Campaign suggestions: NEW SUGGESTIONS!

Something campaign really needs is a surrender button.
I cannot win or lose because my base is well defended, but I have no money.
Therefore, I cannot continue the campaign, unless I wait an hour for them to get through to my brain.

Found the "restart button."
Loading an autosave.

Author:  Joseh123 [ Thu Jul 05, 2012 1:30 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Campaign suggestions: NEW SUGGESTIONS!

MuffinzExe wrote:
mechwarrior wrote:
There already bad enough with rockets landing on their brains.

I think Data's Twitter said that he fixed that.

Did he fixed the Drop Ships falling into their brains without our help? Because I try to make it more hard by waiting the A.I to attack me on the defense game, and suddenly a WIN sign comes in the screen. I look at the enemy brain's location and there is a lot of Drop Ship wrecks there.

Author:  Sarbinger [ Thu Jul 05, 2012 6:18 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Campaign suggestions: NEW SUGGESTIONS!

Perhaps to make defending easier for the AI, they could have some kind of AA blockade off-site to block you from sending in anything. Drop pods would have a 1/4 chance survival, focing you to be prepared or be square?

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