Data Realms Fan Forums

Cluttered Saved Campaign List
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Author:  Nocifer [ Thu Jun 14, 2012 8:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Cluttered Saved Campaign List

So, perhaps this is my fault for saving too many campaigns, but I have about ten or fifteen different saves, some of them now defunct because of changes I've made in mods (updates, etc.) However, I've discovered that there's apparently no way to delete the saves. I cleared out Metagames.rte, even replaced it with a fresh install. I then did the exact same thing with Base.rte, Missions.rte (albeit accidentally; I didn't actually think that would do anything) and all the fiddly .dll files that aren't in an .rte. I even replaced the .exe itself with a newly installed version.

Is anyone else suffering similarly, or am I just being stupid and missing a simple solution?


AHA I found the little bastard! For Windows users (and I assume this is going to be constant unless you're doing something unusual with your installation) it's C:\Users\(your username)\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files (x86)\

Just in case anyone else has as much trouble with it as I did.

Author:  Bad Boy [ Thu Jun 14, 2012 11:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Cluttered Saved Campaign List

Unless I'm mistaken it should be as simple as deleting the relevant text in the index.ini in metagame.rte. But since you've cleared the folder out I'm sure you've already done that. Maybe you've got ghost files in whatever directory it was (search around a bit, the issue's been mentioned a couple times recently). I guess I'm really just posting to let you know it should be a very simple thing to do.

Author:  Nocifer [ Fri Jun 15, 2012 12:38 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Cluttered Saved Campaign List

Alright, thanks. And yeah; I found that Metagames.rte/Index.ini is surprisingly lacking in anything leading to save files. I'll go see if I can find ghost files.

Author:  helifreak [ Fri Jun 15, 2012 3:02 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Cluttered Saved Campaign List

Nocifer wrote:
Alright, thanks. And yeah; I found that Metagames.rte/Index.ini is surprisingly lacking in anything leading to save files. I'll go see if I can find ghost files.

ModuleName = Metagame Saves
AddMetaSave = MetaSave
PresetName = AutoSave
SavePath = Metagames.rte/AutoSave.ini
SiteCount = 5
PlayerCount = 3
RoundCount = 6
Not sure why yours doesn't have anything in it.

And if you are using windows 7 or vista, check %localappdata%\VirtualStore.

Author:  Nocifer [ Fri Jun 15, 2012 5:06 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Cluttered Saved Campaign List

helifreak wrote:
ModuleName = Metagame Saves
AddMetaSave = MetaSave
PresetName = AutoSave
SavePath = Metagames.rte/AutoSave.ini
SiteCount = 5
PlayerCount = 3
RoundCount = 6
Not sure why yours doesn't have anything in it.

And if you are using windows 7 or vista, check %localappdata%\VirtualStore.

Yeah, I have that, but absolutely nothing else. I don't know if you noticed, but there isn't actually a Metagames.rte/Autosave.ini. At least, I don't have one. I can open autosaves, but there's no Autosave.ini. And now that I've deleted all the files associated with my other saves, it simply means that the game crashes when I try to load one of the saves. What I need is to find where in the game it stores how many saves I have and what they're named, so I can clear that list, and apparently none of that is in Metagames.rte.

EDIT: Problem solved. OP updated to reflect this.

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