Data Realms Fan Forums

Vanilla Loadout Discussion
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Author:  Nocifer [ Wed Jun 13, 2012 6:54 am ]
Post subject:  Vanilla Loadout Discussion

How do you guys feel about the vanilla loadouts? Do you think they're too specific, not useful enough, or just right? Obviously they're all editable, but perhaps you have suggestions that others would like, and perhaps the developers would be curious how the loadouts turned out.

I, for one, am bothered by the fact that the Ronin's "default" loadout is not Dafred with an AK-47.

Author:  Asklar [ Thu Jun 14, 2012 5:03 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Vanilla Loadout Discussion

The only thing I dislike about loadouts is that they have names, but on the Presets buy menu you see everything that is on the loadout instead of just displaying the name. Anyway, upon selecting the loadout, what you are buying is displayed at the right side of the buy menu, so also showing a list of what you are getting as the name of the loadout is redundant.

Also, yes, some loadouts are kinda wierd. Like, most default and light infantry loadouts are almost the same thing, and what's even wierder, is that the default is more expensive (even though by a little, but still). And it's the default thing, it should just be a soldier and a gun, what can be more default thank that?

Author:  Nocifer [ Thu Jun 14, 2012 8:11 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Vanilla Loadout Discussion

Yeah, I agree; it'd be much more useful to have them labelled in the buy menu instead of listing the contents. On the other hand, in the building menu, it'd be nice to have the loadouts listed fully; I find that I often forget which loadout does what.

I also feel like some of them just have too many guns; for instance, the Ronin infantry brain has two guns and a digger, and I find that I only ever really use the AK. The Peacemaker is just not quite as useful, and the light digger sucks anyway. Then the Browncoats, who seem to have a medium digger for every bloody deployment.

Man, I should stop whining about it and just go edit those.

Author:  Azukki [ Thu Jun 14, 2012 5:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Vanilla Loadout Discussion

Ronin loadouts should replace one of the two Mias with a Sandra; the campaign has a severe lack of sexy hair.
Also having something for a turret/mecha instead of cruddy smg zombies would be nice, even if it wasn't actually a turret or mecha.

And yeah, listing the contents instead of using the name is weird, on the buy menu, when the contents are also shown.

Author:  Crow [ Thu Jun 14, 2012 6:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Vanilla Loadout Discussion

I don't like that they have so many items, because I like to be thrifty.

It would be really awesome if you could add your own loadouts and delete those and the defaults, and if they stayed in your game persistently, across campaigns and when you shut it down.

Author:  Lizardheim [ Thu Jun 14, 2012 6:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Vanilla Loadout Discussion

Well you sorta can, although through ini.

Author:  Nocifer [ Fri Jun 15, 2012 7:18 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Vanilla Loadout Discussion

So I just went to edit the loadouts.ini for vanilla factions, and everything seemed to go just fine until I tried to add Mecha and Turret loadouts to the Ronin faction. It won't let me, giving me the error message "Abortion in file .\System\Reader.cpp, line 542, because: Could not match property in Ronin.rte/Loadouts.ini at line 107!", which is the first line in the loadouts I'm trying to add.

The loadouts look like this:
AddLoadout = Loadout
   PresetName = Mecha
   Delivery Craft = ACDropShip
      PresetName = Base.rte/Drop Ship MK1
   AddCargoItem = AHuman
      PresetName = Ronin.rte/Brutus
   AddCargoItem = HDFirearm
      PresetName = Ronin.rte/RPC M17
   AddCargoItem = HDFirearm
      PresetName = Ronin.rte/Uzi

AddLoadout = Loadout
   PresetName = Turret
   Delivery Craft = ACDropShip
      PresetName = Base.rte/Drop Ship MK1
   AddCargoItem = AHuman
      PresetName = Ronin.rte/Gordon
   AddCargoItem = HDFirearm
      PresetName = Ronin.rte/M60
   AddCargoItem = HDFirearm
      PresetName = Ronin.rte/Peacemaker

Anybody got some idea what's going on here?

Author:  xenoargh [ Fri Jun 15, 2012 5:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Vanilla Loadout Discussion

Confirmed this error. Happens whenever there's anything in the Imperatus / Ronin loadouts for Mecha / Turrets :???:

I presume that there's some hard-coded weirdness here. Can we get a fix for this bug asap?

Author:  xenoargh [ Fri Jun 15, 2012 6:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Vanilla Loadout Discussion

OK, I've gotten Mecha / Turrets working for Imperatus / Ronin.

Try using these lines:

AddLoadout = Loadout
   PresetName = Mecha
   DeliveryCraft = ACDropShip
      PresetName = Dummy.rte/Drop Ship
   AddCargoItem = ACrab
      PresetName = Dummy.rte/Dreadnought

AddLoadout = Loadout
   PresetName = Turret
   DeliveryCraft = ACDropShip
      PresetName = Dummy.rte/Drop Ship
   AddCargoItem = ACrab
      PresetName = Dummy.rte/Small MG Turret

Still not sure why your example didn't work; the syntax looks OK.

Author:  MavericK [ Fri Jun 15, 2012 8:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Vanilla Loadout Discussion

Asklar wrote:
The only thing I dislike about loadouts is that they have names, but on the Presets buy menu you see everything that is on the loadout instead of just displaying the name. Anyway, upon selecting the loadout, what you are buying is displayed at the right side of the buy menu, so also showing a list of what you are getting as the name of the loadout is redundant.

Agreed, it would be nice to have just the name in the left column, since then you could see more presets at once.

Author:  Nocifer [ Sun Jul 01, 2012 2:09 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Vanilla Loadout Discussion

So, I've come to another conclusion about the loadouts, though it's more just with loadouts in general. It appears that the autobuild issue with mods occurs when the loadouts include pre-equipped actors. For instance, when I switched UniTec's loadouts to using the basic, unnamed, and most importantly unequipped actors, it worked just fine. Same thing with the General Industries mod; I had crash-on-autobuild issues, which were resolved as soon as I redesigned the loadouts to use actors that were not defined with weapons in their inventory.

I didn't really know where to post this bit of information, or whether it had already been discussed, so I figured here's as good as anywhere else. Share with your friends, make sure people know how to handle it, because I know the autobuild bug pissed me the hell off.

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