Data Realms Fan Forums

FAQ or Starter guide for new players?
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Author:  meshugah [ Mon Jun 04, 2012 12:26 am ]
Post subject:  FAQ or Starter guide for new players?

Just wondering if anyone knows of a good FAQ or Starter guide for new players. I have played a little bit of b26, but really suck and could use a few pointers. I have searched google and found a few pages that weren't much help.

Author:  mechwarrior [ Mon Jun 04, 2012 2:33 am ]
Post subject:  Re: FAQ or Starter guide for new players?

here are 3 easy steps to get better:

1. get used to the pie menu, i am very used to it so i can quickly press any of the different buttons in under 0.7 seconds

2. replay the tutorial, zombie cave, and dummy assault multiple times: tutorial is good for practice with different weapons and defence. zombie cave is good for aiming, avoiding explosives, use of weapons in the field, and handling multiple enemys. dummy assault is good for learning how to counter-dreadnoughts, using grenades, and close quarters combat.

3. CRAB BOMBS: other than delivery craft there free!

Author:  meshugah [ Mon Jun 04, 2012 3:08 am ]
Post subject:  Re: FAQ or Starter guide for new players?

Where is the zombie cave? I tried finding it in the menus and can't seem to see it...

Nevermind, I found it!

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