Data Realms Fan Forums

Why Does B26 Lag so much?
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Author:  OmegaX17 [ Thu May 10, 2012 9:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Why Does B26 Lag so much?

Hey, I was just wondering considering B25 runs about 2x as fast, same Settings.ini configuration also, and B26 doesn't seem to listen to the Settings file. Any solutions?

Author:  sajuuknightfall [ Wed May 30, 2012 2:18 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Why Does B26 Lag so much?

that is something i would also like to now i have heard other say the same thing. as it stand right now i cant even play the game even on a AMD 635 x4 athlon OC to 3.1 so i would love to some of it be fixed. Because its unplayable, PS. i have already done all i can to improve performance.

Author:  OmegaX17 [ Sun Aug 19, 2012 3:06 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Why Does B26 Lag so much?

sajuuknightfall wrote:
that is something i would also like to now i have heard other say the same thing. as it stand right now i cant even play the game even on a AMD 635 x4 athlon OC to 3.1 so i would love to some of it be fixed. Because its unplayable, PS. i have already done all i can to improve performance.

I found that Reinstalling it to a different location and putting your old settings in your new base.rte BEFORE you start the game, it acknowledges it.

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