Data Realms Fan Forums

Music for scenes and mods
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Author:  Chaoszerom [ Fri Jan 20, 2012 2:37 am ]
Post subject:  Music for scenes and mods

Heyas DR forumites!

Wasn't sure whether this should go here, Mod Making, Scene Making, or anywhere else, so I figured here should do. As the topic title may suggest, I would like to offer my services for making some music for, you guessed it, mods and scenes. Here is an example of a song (The start is a bit long, so bear with it).

My purpose behind offering this is twofold. One, I read somewhere recently about some modder/sceneer wanting to add music to their mod/scene, and I felt like I could do that, and two, it helps me get back into making stuff :P

I recall editing the Cortex music myself once, so I know it can be *edited*, but I'm not 100% sure about adding music. If it can't be done, then yeah, I'll delete this and run away with my tail between my legs :P

Author:  TheLastBanana [ Fri Jan 20, 2012 2:39 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Music for scenes and mods

Yep, music can indeed be used in mods. Most scenes don't have custom soundtracks, either, so it's good to see somebody is willing to give it at try. :)

Author:  Spartan1608 [ Fri Jan 20, 2012 6:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Music for scenes and mods

Can we share this thread with everyone that wants to create music? 'Cause I have been looking for a place to implement my music.

Here are two examples:


CC Intro Remix

I would be willing to make a lot more if their was some sort of demand from modders


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