Data Realms Fan Forums

Ai and Mods
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Author:  CrimsonCloud [ Sat Dec 24, 2011 11:14 am ]
Post subject:  Ai and Mods

Okay so I'm new just excuse me if this is a stupid question XD or if its in the wrong topic.

So the AI can they use the mods I install for example a dropship mod or a turret mod or even a weapons mod,if so I can I force them to use a specific mod for fun like the behemoth or coalition punisher?????

Once again sorry if this is a stupid question.

Author:  LordVonKain [ Sat Dec 24, 2011 12:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ai and Mods

in Vanilla activities, no. not unless you change the vanilla stuff manually.
However most mods comes with their own activities, which spawns them (example, in the Uni-Tec mod, there roughly 5 new activies each for a part of the uni tec mod) however not all mods come with this. Although if you check in the Scene area i believe there's a scene by weegee i think that allows a group of mods as AI ( i think it called unmapped lands) i however never tired it so i dunno.

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