Data Realms Fan Forums

Humble Indie Bundle
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Author:  Mr Anderson [ Tue Sep 06, 2011 4:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Humble Indie Bundle

Just a few Question about cortex command in the bundle.
1. How do I view the key I got for cortex command in the bundle?
2. Does the game update or do I keep the build that was deliverd with the bundle?
Sorry if this is in the wrong forum section.

Author:  Azukki [ Wed Sep 07, 2011 3:31 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Humble Indie Bundle

The game does not auto update, and you do not have a key.

Open the email humblebundle sent you. It has a link to a page, from which you can download the newest version of CC, (and the other games included) DRM-free, no key required. Just install and play.

To stay up to date with the newest version, just check out the drlff homepage every now and then, or follow DRL on Twitter.

And, Game and Licensing Support would have been more suitable for this thread, yes.
If you had that apology in your post when you originally wrote it, that's pretty silly, since you could have just copied the post, read the forum descriptions, and put it in the obviously correct one.

And lastly, welcome to DRLFF.

Author:  wbmbusiness [ Wed Sep 07, 2011 12:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Humble Indie Bundle

Azukki wrote:
The game does not auto update, and you do not have a key.

Open the email humblebundle sent you. It has a link to a page, from which you can download the newest version of CC, (and the other games included) DRM-free, no key required. Just install and play.

To stay up to date with the newest version, just check out the drlff homepage every now and then, or follow DRL on Twitter.

And, Game and Licensing Support would have been more suitable for this thread, yes.
If you had that apology in your post when you originally wrote it, that's pretty silly, since you could have just copied the post, read the forum descriptions, and put it in the obviously correct one.

And lastly, welcome to DRLFF.

This post couldn't be more wrong.

You can't download the newest version of CC from the HB download page; the version it provides is back from either May or August (can't tell if the date system is US or not). That's exactly why OP has come here to ask where he can register his key, so he can download the most recent version from the Data Realms website; however, the problem he faces is that no CC key is provided with the HB.

You then say 'you can keep up to date by checking the drff homepage'; however, we can't 'keep up to date' because we need a serial key to enter into the 'gift code' section when we create an account to download the newest version.

tl;dr you really didn't help anyone here.

Author:  Duh102 [ Wed Sep 07, 2011 7:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Humble Indie Bundle

The CC key option is only for those who purchased CC before the HIB system was introduced. Their key is the one they were provided with to do in-game registration, pre-HIB. I believe if you purchase through the DRL homepage currently it also gives you a key in a similar format to be used in the same way.
If you are a HIB purchaser, you download it through the HIB download page.

The August version is the latest version (B25-1), thus, the HIB version is the latest version (the date format is yyyy/mm/dd)

The "keep up to date bit" was to watch for new builds. They are few and far between, so I would recommend registering to the RSS feed or whatever trickery Data has set up to automatically notify you of Devlog updates. Unless things have changed drastically and invisibly to me, viewing and subscribing to the Devlog does not require a registration of any kind (save for your email to be subscribed).

Author:  Azukki [ Wed Sep 07, 2011 7:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Humble Indie Bundle

August 4th, 2011 is the date the newest version, b25-1, came out, like duh ninja'd me to say.
My post could not have been more right.

(By stay up to date with the new version, I meant becoming aware that there is a new version, with the implication that you would repeat the process I described previously to get the newest version from the hib2/3 download page, which should be updated. This could be considered ambiguous wording, but the intended meaning was correct.)

Author:  Mr Anderson [ Thu Sep 08, 2011 10:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Humble Indie Bundle

Thanks guys just neaded to know those few things.

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