Data Realms Fan Forums

How do I install Scenes?
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Author:  c2cool [ Sat Aug 27, 2011 2:00 am ]
Post subject:  How do I install Scenes?

Can someone help me out? I don't know how to install scenes. :P


Author:  PewPewPirate [ Sun Aug 28, 2011 9:22 am ]
Post subject:  Re: How do I install Scenes?


Now I am a noob myself so I just hope I can help you somewhat :)

The thing is take this map pack for example:

It contains a bunch of good maps, and to install them you will have to:
1- Download the pack ;)
2- Unpack the file into cortex command main folder.
3- Now you will notice that all maps here is named "something.rte" that tells the game; "these maps is to be included when I start the game"
4- In this particular case you will have to open the read me file that comes with the pack, which guides you how to proceed.
5- When you are all done you just choose scenario battle in the game menu and then choose "Skirmish defense" and then you will have a huge amount of dots (maps) to choose from

Hope that helps ya, and sorry for my bad English :)

Author:  c2cool [ Sun Aug 28, 2011 9:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: How do I install Scenes?

PewPewPirate wrote:

Now I am a noob myself so I just hope I can help you somewhat :)

The thing is take this map pack for example:

It contains a bunch of good maps, and to install them you will have to:
1- Download the pack ;)
2- Unpack the file into cortex command main folder.
3- Now you will notice that all maps here is named "something.rte" that tells the game; "these maps is to be included when I start the game"
4- In this particular case you will have to open the read me file that comes with the pack, which guides you how to proceed.
5- When you are all done you just choose scenario battle in the game menu and then choose "Skirmish defense" and then you will have a huge amount of dots (maps) to choose from

Hope that helps ya, and sorry for my bad English :grin:

Thanks For your help! :)


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