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Newbie here with questions ^_^
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Author:  Tompig [ Fri Aug 12, 2011 1:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Newbie here with questions ^_^

Hello, sorry its another one of 'those threads' again, but my brain has gone numb :(

2 questions,

1: When I make a base and start placing my dudes, how do I get them to pick up their guns? I place them by their feet and they just ignore them.

2: I cant tell if my friendly AI soldiers are even fighting at all. 1 They have no guns since they wont pick them up. 2 The second the enemy arrives they zerg rush like starcraft players on a mission, to the point of crashing their drop rockets into my base killing my dudes. :(

Is there anyway I can equip my men (and get them to fight) and stop the enemy spawning on my head? (Saw a video where they picked up guns and started defending automatically, and the enemy sent drop ships to the other end of the map and then moved up)

Thanks in advance and all this happend on Skirmish Defense.

Author:  Duh102 [ Fri Aug 12, 2011 3:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Newbie here with questions ^_^

Generally if you place guns close enough to your men they'll pick them up automatically, but you might have to go through them one by one after the game has started and manually pick them up.
After they have guns, they'll fight pretty well, about on par with the enemy if they have a good vantage point.

As for the drops, those are scripted to spawn near your brain, so you might want to make a sort of winding underground base with choke points with men in them to reduce the losses from stray dropship and rocket bits.

Author:  Tompig [ Fri Aug 12, 2011 7:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Newbie here with questions ^_^

Well the lil derp heads still wont pick up their guns so I had to do it manually, but after tweaking my old bunker design to make it less DROP SHIP OMG-WTF-BBQ freindly, i did find they did quite well at defending, so theres that atleast ^_^

(also again with the dumb questions, is there anyway i can set like a waypoint for newly dropped troops, its just my my entrance is usually being hit too hard for them to take it manually 1 at a time)

Thanks for the help guys ^_^

Author:  The Fat Sand Rat [ Fri Aug 12, 2011 9:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Newbie here with questions ^_^

To get all of your troops to one spot:

Once they deploy from the dropship, select the last one in line. Set its AI to 'Go To' mode, and drag a waypoint onto the next unit in line. Continue doing this until you get to the unit closest to their destination, and either manually move it where you want it or set a 'Go To' waypoint where you want it to go. This should result in an ugly duckling chain which may or may not arrive at its destination intact and unretarded.

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