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Saving loadout presets
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Author:  Rietori [ Wed Aug 10, 2011 4:54 am ]
Post subject:  Saving loadout presets

Is there a way to keep the loadout presets between missions?

I like the scenario battles in the new version, but for example in the one where you defend against a horde of dummies, I think it's crucial to get some people in place fast. But each time I have to select the dropships loadouts again and again. Then when I want to give the next guy a sniper rifle instead of an assault rifle, I have to erase the assault rifle, go to weapons, look for the sniper rifle, put that in, perhaps do the same for the body.
How come the presets are erased at the end of the mission? Is there a way to define some default presets that will be available on every mission?

Author:  Wonkyth [ Wed Aug 10, 2011 12:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Saving loadout presets

Yeah, Presets could really use some work. Even having some default ones would be great.

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