Data Realms Fan Forums

Fullscreen and 2x issues on some resolutions.
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Author:  Superjuden [ Sat Aug 06, 2011 2:43 am ]
Post subject:  Fullscreen and 2x issues on some resolutions.

Just got B25. The overall games works just fine, very nice speed boost. However I've run into a problem with running the game on fullscreen and 2x. But only in missions, the menus looks completely normal.


That's running it at 1080, however I have had the same problem with different resolutions, but sometimes it works. The game runs fine in windowed mode in both 1x and 2x. I haven't tested all possible resolutions simply because it takes a while.

Anyone else have the same problem with either this build or any other build?

EDIT: I just ran into the same issue while running 720 at 2x window, 1x works fine though.

EDIT2: My display is 1920x1080 and that's the desktop resolution use.

EDIT3: 1152x864 works fine. However it doesn't have a 2x mode, but that's probably because the 1x window takes up a fair amount of space.

Author:  Data [ Sat Aug 06, 2011 9:12 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Fullscreen and 2x issues on some resolutions.

Thanks for the report; we're still experimenting with the best way to handle high resolutions.. right now it forces anything over 1024 wide into 2x for fullscreen, 'cause new players would crank it up to 1080p and promptly complain about how small the text was and how slow the game ran...

We'll try to make the scaling optional in an elegant and flexible way that still defaults it to 2x for first timers

- D

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