[ ]Scenes need to be scanned during base build activities (in case they are not fought at before designing)
[ ]Procedurally make sure every AI base blueprint has a brain bot placed FIRST, on ground level, so it never ends up falling from 0,0 if some pieces were built but not enough to build the first installed brain
[ ]site lines w negative fundsamount should not screw up the ratios for all other sitelines when upatesitelineratio is done - also be careful with how that affects the getfundsfromsitelines func??
[ ]FIX SCENE SEAM WRAP GIB BUG - probably due to locomotion changes
viewtopic.php?f=4&t=31097[ ]HUGE cursor in buy menu when using gamepads
[ ]If two AIs on the same team build on the same site, they seem to build in parallel, making deployments spit out dual things
[ ]When an AI takes over another AI's base (no sim battle), the actors and things of the losing team there should be destroyed
[ ]Resolve double-build issue when more than one resident brain in one site - have the next one pick up where the last one left off in the queue of deployments
[ ]Add a way to reset the gib wound counter, or some way to clear wounds off of an MO
[ ]AttachEmitter() currently crashes the game when being used
[ ]If more than one resident brain at a site, place them all somehow.. last n brain deployments
[ ]Linux build
[ ]Prevent players from building bunkers in midair
[ ]Remove "early build" notices etc
[ ]FIX ValidMO memory corruption bug? Test Weapon crash
[ ]Make console write out each line it shows to a file, so when hard crashes happen the console log file is still available to troubleshoot
[ ]Make restarting base building skirmish not wipe out the player-built bases, or offer alternative restart keys
[ ]Allow to abandon a site by the resident brain in the scene info box; gets added back to player's pool
[ ]Negative gold when playing/resetting coop in some skirmish modes (chip hunt)??
[ ]Special, expensive, subterranian scan, which colors the low-res unseen bitmap with whatever's in the terrain mateiral layer.. bases would be visible etc, low res
[ ]Friendly fire settings toggle? Will need to change AI behavior too
[ ]Support for more MOIDs.. dynamically double the MOIDlayer and lookup if needed at runtime?
[ ]Investigate Intel API to keep CPU unthrottled
[ ]Tactical AI goes into evac mode if there's not enough money for more reinforcemnts and there's not any guys left in the scene, and into suicide brain attack mode if there's no money left for even an Evac loadout
[ ]Grenades if you have several grenades that are "ActivatesWhenReleased = 1," throwing one grenade will start the timer on another grenade it'll blow up in your hands. also, simply dropping (not throwing) the grenades will set off the timer as well so you can't give them to other actors
[ ]Allow to spectate pure AI-AI battles
[ ]for the loadouts, if a duplicate loadout preset, could scripts that try to use it grab one randomly, and all of the duplicates appear in the buy menu presets? so you could have different variants of presets
[ ]when an AI player builds a base, and another one conquers it, the old AI still has his units at the base, along with the new owners units, causing them to fight immediately once the battle has begun.
[ ]when you pick up an ally in a craft, and drop him off. He remains control of the actor, and can control a new one, leaving him with two different actors responding to his controls. You cannot select the old actor, it just rejects your control as if another player is controlling him, despite player 2 controlling a different one.
[ ]Orbital bombardment button for scheduling it for next metafight; would happen before brain landing
[ ]Dual weilding revision?
[ ]Pie menu revision, allow for hiding menu items
[ ]Allow different metagame win condition options, gold funds goal etc