Data Realms Fan Forums

CC RP - Story Behind the Bion
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Author:  Aeonic [ Tue Apr 12, 2011 7:30 pm ]
Post subject:  CC RP - Story Behind the Bion

The Story of the Bion

In the desperation of the Human race to find more resources after bleeding the Earth dry, they set off into space.
They realised that they would not have enough food and other resources to supply themselves when mining and exploring space, so they created cyborg and robots alike.
They soon found they would have to also fight for various planets and moons to mine for the resources. They created robotic soldiers, all under the control of disembodied brains - those from Human beings with high TP sources (telepathy source : the signal strength in a single brain wave). With an army of robot and cyborg soldiers, and drone servants, the Humans soon set off in search for provinces with gold, oil and food.

It wasn't long before the brains and their armies turned against the Humans. This sudden change of events meant that the population decreased. In an attempt to save their race, the Humans started breeding clones. Some clones were faulty and damaged, and so were left on various baron moons. The Humans were struggling.

In a final attempt to regain control of their lost forces, the Humans built specialist robots to fight their war for them. These robots could take more bullets then their clones, and didn't require a controller brain. Each of these robots were independent, and did not fight (and fall) as one. However, these robots took advantage of their independence and fought for themselves.

Within 200 years of the Robo-Human War, several factions had set-up:
Ronin - Pure Clones of a small select group of Humans. Only several 'varieties' of Ronin exist.
Browncoats - A group of Cyborg elite soldiers that the biological aspects are cloned from the controller-brains.
Whitebots - A group of Cyborg soldiers that the biological aspects are cloned from the controller-brains.
Coalition - An alliance between a large group of Browncoats and Whitebots.
Dummies - A cybernetic faction of drones and dummy robots controlled by an electronic equivalent to a brain.
Undead - Deficit clones controlled by a damaged brain.
Bion - A group of elite and heavy robots designed specifically for advanced warfare. They consist of untested and innovative weaponry.

With the war at its most dangerous period, the Bion have fallen into low numbers, and they must fight back.
The Ronin have strongholds on various planets, and the Dummies seem to have dominated a planet for themselves. The Coalition are struggling to annihilate their fleshy creators due to the strong defense the Ronin have set up. The Human race hide behind the Ronin armies, but they are defenseless without them.
The Bion have one chance.

One chance of success.
One chance of survival.
One chance of domination.

One chance of revenge.

Coming soon from Aeonic...
The Mission Log of the Bion
A Campaign of their struggle.

Author:  Joe [ Tue Apr 26, 2011 10:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: CC RP - Story Behind the Bion

Sooo, two things. First: RP stands for Role-Play right? If so this topic should be moved to the Forum Games section of Off Topic Chat, despite it's relation to CC. Secondly, you should post rules for this so if it catches on you won't have SuperUltraMegaDummyCoalitionSuperBehemoths running around.

Sounds fun though...

Author:  ScientistSalarian [ Tue Apr 26, 2011 11:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: CC RP - Story Behind the Bion

Applications would be nice so no one runs in with half assed post about their for some reason, amazingly bad ass trooper, yes?

Author:  Yoman987 [ Mon May 16, 2011 6:48 am ]
Post subject:  Re: CC RP - Story Behind the Bion

This isn't a roleplaying game, it's a roleplaying story about CC. Basically a FanFic.

I'm guessing he put RP on it because he's roleplaying as, what, the narrator? Anyway, it should be renamed to Fan Fiction.

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