Re: Questin Next Update B25...Online?
Data would probably do it only if it set him for life, I'm thinking. Real "Online Play" on a game like this is extremely tough to do.
With him hinting at putting Onlive with Cortex Command, the concept becomes much more feasible, but you'd have to pay $15/month to access it.
Also, Roast Veg and Natti have a point. Your first sentence ends before it says anything.
I think you meant to say something along the lines of this:
I've been giving this matter a great deal of thought and I have to ask "how many" or better yet "how much" donations would Data need to add a fully working Online Match Making System which allows us, as the players, to host Servers that can either have "Mods" (not the overpowered type) or Mods that also give us the ability to modify default settings as well?