Data Realms Fan Forums

Daydreamed Suggestion- Custom Campaign/Chaining Scenes
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Author:  GuardianTempest [ Sat Feb 12, 2011 2:50 am ]
Post subject:  Daydreamed Suggestion- Custom Campaign/Chaining Scenes

It all started when I was thinking of Touhou in CC. Sure you can action-roll through lots of Destroyer cannon shots but then what about the scenes?

Putting Scenes together would clutter up the Scenario Select so selecting parts by parts isn't actually nice. But what about the unused campaign? Well there's a start. Here's a poorly done text-art to see how it kinda looks like.

|Campaign Name|# of Missions|Difficulty|Author|
|Description| Embodiment of Scarlet Devil now in_|
_CC!! Expect massive Lag!!_________________|

|RoninDouchebgs|7________..|Cake___|Mai Pai_|

Upon selection/highlighting the description is given and so you begin on one scene and it will lead you to another(after a nice loading screen) and so on.

This is just a suggestion that will mostly barely be implemented on the next build(until the campaign really is used) or the unlikely 'Jesus.rte'.

EDIT: Ah me and my strange ideas. At least I finally released what's on my mind. I'm just going to edit this whenever I remember clearly what I had thought though.

Author:  Roy-G-Biv [ Sat Feb 12, 2011 5:13 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Daydreamed Suggestion- Custom Campaign/Chaining Scenes

B24's Scenario select used to be B23's campaign select.
Campaign is going to be completely different than whatever you propose.

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