Scene creation suggestion (NEW EDITOR IDEAS)
First of all I have no idea where to place this.
Its discussing scenes but also editors.
Move if its in the wrong place please.
Now to the suggestion.
Ive noticed that the editors for the game don't allow players to fully mod the game.
All editors-Creation of .rte files.
-Sprite creation or editing.
-Scans .rte files for related parts.
-Allows players to change the name of the parts in game, also changing any related .ini or lua files so no glitch's or crash's happen.
Actor editor(feature ideas)
-Works exactly like gib editor, but requires built actors to need a head,at-least 1 arm "if its not a crab", at-least 1 leg "unless its a crab that needs 4"
-Has sub menus which change important values, and also has descriptions on the values.
-Test mode loads small map with sand,snow,dirt,ladders, and a jet-pack range.
-Test mode for crafts loads a tall map with a few vanilla actors, to test lifting capability.
Scene editorThis editor is good right now but should be improved.
-Allows you add mission type items into the game without hassle.
-Map sprite editing.
-When done editing scene allows you to place the location,shows black X's at points where a scene is already placed and shows a red X at the place you'll be saving the current scene.
Weapon/Tool/Bomb editor(Feature ideas)
-Allows players to select what type of item they are creating.
-Weapon editing has a value menu for quick editing.
-Tool editing has type of tool sub menu's supporting diggers,sprayers,etc....
-Bomb editor allows quick editing using basic prebuilt bombs. incendiary,cluster,fire,gas.
I don't think I left anything out, if i did i think you guys can improvise.
Hope to see better editors soon.