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 Concept art 
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Post Concept art
Arne reporting in!

I've been gathering up some of my old sketches and ideas, taking what I like and expanding upon that. Posting as I go.

Coalition Military Forces =CMF=
I'm a fan of light, medium and heavy designs, and I wanted to pronounce the difference in size (light-heavy) more clearly by
using my chibi proportions that I use for pretty much all of my redesigns. These proportions are very close to the CC proportions,
and I think it's a good compromise that shows off both head detail and body detail. Overall the CMF designs are military green
(+white) and jerrycan'y. Their logo consists of a few arrows pointing towards a center (a coalition). I'll be posting some kind of brief
back story ideas for them later.

Techion (Whitebots)
Not sure about the name, but they're tech oriented and ion engines strike me as something white and blue. I don't want these to
be another "humanoids with guns faction", so I'm thinking that they should have a bunch of other more exotic units, like little
hover drones and exotic weapons. Tentacle legs would be neat.


I might be reworking the intro slides too, so that the characters consistent in proportions.
I wrote a short background story for the slide below:

(The intro can only have a brief sentence though.)

[early-mid space exploration year]. Dignitaries of the Sirius Alliance
meet on the doomed planet Cursa 2c to conclude trade negotiations with
a Wumpus hunt. It's believed that the impressive hexagonal network of
catacombs and wildlife were left behind by the Priorus - a species
which was active colonizing planets in the region some 8000 years ago,
before withdrawing to an unknown location.

Yeah, that was pretty brief. Later I might try to elaborate on some of the aliens.

Flavor text notes: The Sirius Supercluster also contains Beta Eridani,
aka Cursa (in arabic?). Hunt the Wumpus is an old game which takes
place in a dodecahedron maze. Wumpuses can also be found in M.U.L.E.,
Nethack, MtG, and other games. Since the meeting portrayed is
historical, I picked Beta Eridani which is located a mere 90 ly from
Sol (i.e. somewhat closeby in many sci-fi settings). I'm not really
sure how fast space travel is in the CC universe or how much of the
galaxy that has been colonized.

Afaik, Beta Eridani isn't a good host for planets with indigenous
life, so I figured it would be better to use the colonization concept
which is more probable than having each planet teeming with
contemporary indigenous life anyways. I topped it off with a
Precursor/Ancient race, because they create a sense of history and
mystery. Oh yeah, the planet is doomed because Cursa is gonna swell up
and become a red giant pretty soon.

The Priorus are giants wasps (Predators?), a nod at the hexagonal
shapes of the mazes where the Wumpus (Alien?) now lurk. Priorus =
Prior Us. Yeah, Well, everything else is taken (ancients, precursors, etc).


And here I wanted to rework the brain transfer slide which I am particularly unhappy with, but then I realized that the humans doesn't
encounter aliens until later on. The idea here was to illustrate a stash of bodies and the idea that a body could be anything.
Your brain might even be alien. I might use the slide for something else.
The small alien species is kind of like a dog - i.e. they regulate temperature by panting. Unfortunately their tongue is also poisonous
so they have trouble making friends.

Eventually I'll put a design doc / universe guide online. I've already done some work on it, but I need to clean it up and create
a compelling, coherent universe - defined enough to have a fun identity... but vague enough to leave people (including us devs)
room to play around with new content.

I'm working on everything simultaneously right now so I don't know what I will post next (:o

Thu Jul 22, 2010 4:11 pm
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Post Re: Concept art
Wow, this is just amazing, are you looking for feed back?

Thu Jul 22, 2010 4:19 pm
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The master returns!!!

Words... Cannot describe how jesusly this artwork is! I sincerely hope you get the content devs to make all of this win!


The new names for the two factions suit them well, I never liked "Whitebots" anyway. I am particularly fond of the vehicles and Brain Robots for the CMF (Coalition Military Force, right?), but I am not too crazy about the new skinny actor designs. The thick and bulky Coalition Heavy is a high note, though.

The CMF Turrets are beast, do keep.

If you are going to have the tank unit from the last intro slide, then I wouldn't recommend having the "mobile turrets". Instead, I think you should have paradropped turrets that can be deployed/picked up from a dropship.

The CPU unit is pretty bad, in my opinion, I would just settle for those two BrainBots.

All of the Techrion units seem polished, and I love the new bullpup design on the Laser Rifles

Incredible stuff sir, Keep fighting the Good Fight!

Last edited by Joe on Thu Jul 22, 2010 4:34 pm, edited 2 times in total.

Thu Jul 22, 2010 4:21 pm
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Post Re: Concept art
Arne, I love you.
Is there any particular reason this isn't in the devlog?

I love the thinking behind the Coalition logo, as well as the design.
Did you have any particular reasoning behind using female clones for the light coalition?

Thu Jul 22, 2010 4:28 pm
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You might want to make the medium trooper the way the Coalition Light is currently, and just make the light one very small and skinny.

Last edited by Joe on Thu Jul 22, 2010 8:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Thu Jul 22, 2010 4:48 pm
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Post Re: Concept art
Petethegoat wrote:
Arne, I love you.
Is there any particular reason this isn't in the devlog?

I love the thinking behind the Coalition logo, as well as the design.
Did you have any particular reasoning behind using female clones for the light coalition?

Biological reasons.

Thu Jul 22, 2010 4:56 pm

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Post Re: Concept art
These are all a little rough. I'm just throwing stuff around to see what sticks and not. Feedback is welcome, but I can't go off on tangents too much. I'm working on everything but I can't address and produce more than one thing at a time.

Re: CMF meat puppets, I just wanted to draw a female-medium-male variant to see what happened. The female variant could perhaps be some kind of stealth unit. Darker colors, ninja? Splinter Cell? (Edit, typing too slow, someone already posted this idea) I'll see what happens next iteration.

Re: turrets, The idea with the campaign later on is that you play a map location in several stages (exploration, construction, att/def), and I'm thinking that heavier stuff like big bunker modules and larger turrets (which requires a sturdy concrete base) are built during the construction stages.

DaTa was gonna write a dev log but was waiting for me who was waiting for him, or something. that Voldemort in CMF suit?

Thu Jul 22, 2010 5:00 pm
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Post Re: Concept art
Yay! A post from the one CC-dev that I still have faith in. :grin:

@Joe: How dare you provide criticism like that to the king of sprites. Pfsh.

Thu Jul 22, 2010 5:07 pm

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Post Re: Concept art
Scale, proportion and style prefs are like apples and oranges. I did a little experiment to see
what a CC guy would look like with realistic proportions. IIRC, the CC scale is actually 5cm/px,
but as you can see the CC guys are a bit larger.

I'll see what happens if I transfer my new designs to sprite size. The proportions are actually
very similar, but I could also see what happens if I enforce the 5cm/px scale. It might leave
some room for the big heavies to be heavies (+2 m tall) without filling up the corridors (i.e. the
smaller troops would work as a point of reference for normal size). There's certainly a lot to
consider, like legs/locomotion working, troops bumping their heads in roofs, etc.

EDIT: Added a few more tests:

Last edited by Promster on Thu Jul 22, 2010 6:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Thu Jul 22, 2010 5:38 pm
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Yeah, and even then, there are other situations ( like a rouge dropship engine to the face, or falling ) , but we'll provide the needed commentary, so shoot.

Thu Jul 22, 2010 5:47 pm
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Post Re: Concept art
I'm salivating at the thought of large artillery bunker modules.
Also, do you mind if i have a go at makeing the Coalition logo? :P

Thu Jul 22, 2010 5:51 pm
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Post Re: Concept art
Oh my god YES!
Love your concepts prom and those whitebot things just look awesome.

Somehow I think we're getting more than just a "dummy resprite" for whitebots...

Thu Jul 22, 2010 6:04 pm

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Post Re: Concept art
Added a few test sprites / mockups to my image above. Let me know what you feel.

Thu Jul 22, 2010 6:26 pm
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Post Re: Concept art
I was waiting for this so long!

Because it so bad that we have no information about CC factions...

There are no storyline announced, so no one knows what is Coailition Forces, who are Ronins, and why Dummies are so aggresive :twisted:

Those arts is my try to make clones more... specific? No one ever seen what clones have under their masks...

I would like to see the detailed storyline of factions and CC at all.
Everything that we know is that we are on "Unttaped Planet", we are a brains in jars, and we remotely control bodies...

Thu Jul 22, 2010 6:36 pm
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Post Re: Concept art
These are all really amazing, if cortex comman looks like this when the new build comes out i probably wont sleep for quite a while. Keep up the good work.

Thu Jul 22, 2010 6:39 pm
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