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Ugh, another noob who can't get it together, I'm so sorry..
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Author:  handy214 [ Wed Dec 29, 2010 1:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Ugh, another noob who can't get it together, I'm so sorry..

Hi all, I've been stalking you for a week or two now. So, I've been totally interested in CC, played the tutorial, figured out how to play, dominated it several times in different ways...

Now what? I've downloaded some scenes and weapons mods, and I've played around in them, but I just can't quite figure out how you're all getting your hours out of the game. I've got the scenes, but they don't have actors built into them, do they? Like, predeployed units on both sides?

I'm not a game designer, and I haven't learnt yet how to make my games balanced, like how many actors I should be deploying in order to stop myself winning in the first two minutes. Basically I just want to know, where to from here? I don't want to keep winning without trying!

(NB this is not the same problem people are having where they win automatically because Brain v Brain isn't a 1 player game- I just don't know how to be starting a decent match)

Author:  411570N3 [ Wed Dec 29, 2010 1:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ugh, another noob who can't get it together, I'm so sorry..

Play through weegee's missions. If a lack of challenge is what you're meeting, then weegee's missions should turn that around fairly quickly.

Author:  handy214 [ Wed Dec 29, 2010 1:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ugh, another noob who can't get it together, I'm so sorry..

Hey, thanks. Is that something where you can use up all your funds and still be in trouble? That's what I'm finding the strangest- actually having to limit the amount of stuff I'm allowed to buy, or else I end up stupidly overpowered and dominating straight away. I just thought there would be a better balance between allocated funds and enemy difficulty. I'm also only using vanilla weapons and characters so far, in case modded ones are too cheaply priced. Thanks for the advice though!

Merged double post

Sorry, only other question- is there any mode I've missed where actors ARE predeployed? Except for the tutorial and the ones where you're just given one actor. I really liked the way the tutorial was all laid out in front of me; having to work with what you're given, and if I wanted anyone else I had to call them in. But I guess I'm missing the point of the game in wanting this, huh. :)

Author:  mail2345 [ Wed Dec 29, 2010 7:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ugh, another noob who can't get it together, I'm so sorry..

I'm tooting my own horn here, but Cyborg Zombies(check Scenes) has a predeployed base, with a slow gold generator, and some starting funds based off difficulty.

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