Data Realms Fan Forums

Apparantly CC is vaporware
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Author:  maart3n [ Tue Dec 28, 2010 1:20 am ]
Post subject:  Apparantly CC is vaporware

While browsing the internets I came across this Wikipedia article stating that CC is vaporware because:
Cortex Command has had an unfinished version on sale for two years. While beta versions are available, the long time between minor updates indicates that the game will never be complete.

Even though Data never promised to finish the game, I don't really think there will ever be a point where it will be finished. You could have called it finished on B23, since it had a campaign(of sorts), it was nearly bug free and we all had just as much as we would have had with any other retail game.

Now my question is: Do YOU think CC should be considered vaporware or is there any truth in my statement above?

Author:  bioemerl [ Tue Dec 28, 2010 1:26 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Apparantly CC is vaporware

IF Data says it is to be completed, it will be completed,
due to the lack of a specified release date......, technically if cortex command is finished before the end of time it it technically not vaporware.

Author:  Roy-G-Biv [ Tue Dec 28, 2010 1:56 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Apparantly CC is vaporware

The wait between B13-B14 was much longer than B23-B24.
But that was probably because of all the sweet B23 mods.

Author:  Roast Veg [ Tue Dec 28, 2010 2:00 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Apparantly CC is vaporware

You mean the mental wait, but the physical wait was almost unbearable.

Author:  Wonkyth [ Tue Dec 28, 2010 2:17 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Apparantly CC is vaporware

Unless Data dies of is otherwise incapable of finishing CC, I have no doubt whatsoever that CC will be finished.
he has passion for it, even if he's not rushing for completion.

Author:  Grif [ Tue Dec 28, 2010 2:58 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Apparantly CC is vaporware

CC is neither vaporware nor abandonware because it's actively being worked on, and that work is actually contributing to an end goal.

The fact that there were some pretty significant differences between B23 and B24, despite them not being the exact ♥♥♥♥ the forum wanted, means that the game is not vaporware.

DNF is (was?) vaporware because, while there were people working on it, nothing was actually getting accomplished. CC is obviously improving over time, and hence, is not vaporware.

Author:  TheLastBanana [ Tue Dec 28, 2010 3:56 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Apparantly CC is vaporware

The Wikipedia page itself says that vaporware is usually something that comes out long after its announced release date. There hasn't been announced release date. As well, the idea of vaporware is generally something that can't actually be used or played. The game is pretty obviously playable, it just isn't finished. I'd say if it's sold copies and there's an active community for it, any arguments that it's vaporware are weak at best.
That said, the game is also very slow development-wise, so I guess I see their point. I still don't really see why they call the updates "minor", though - engine-wise, they've all been fairly hefty updates, and that should probably be taken into account.
Also, I find it amusing that Cortex Command wasn't "notable" enough to have its own page on Wikipedia, but that it can be used as an example of vaporware despite no sources being cited, and that's been ignored by editors for months.

Author:  TychoGoBoom [ Tue Dec 28, 2010 6:21 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Apparantly CC is vaporware

CC isn't vaporware, it's molassesware. Sweet, but as slow in coming as molasses in winter. :P

Author:  Volfram [ Tue Dec 28, 2010 4:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Apparantly CC is vaporware

Grif wrote:
DNF is (was?) vaporware because, while there were people working on it, nothing was actually getting accomplished. CC is obviously improving over time, and hence, is not vaporware.

And what's more, a significant number of people refused to acknowledge DNF's vaporware status until it had been in development purgatory with no visible updates for over a decade.

Pretty sure CC isn't to this point yet.

(I like the molassesware comment, too.)

Author:  Laraso [ Tue Dec 28, 2010 6:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Apparantly CC is vaporware

Did you hear about the ship named Duke Nukem Forever? It never leaves the port, but you can watch them change the engine every couple of years.

CC is definitely not vaporware. If it was we would still be waiting for B24.

Author:  bt321 [ Wed Dec 29, 2010 1:39 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Apparantly CC is vaporware

Laraso wrote:
Did you hear about the ship named Duke Nukem Forever? It never leaves the port, but you can watch them change the engine every couple of years.


Lol very clever,

I might consider it vapor if we hadnt JUST recieved a major update :P

Also, the community has kinnnda been able to contact Data and see some progress in the past year.

Author:  alphagamer774 [ Wed Dec 29, 2010 8:10 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Apparantly CC is vaporware

I think the fact that we had to find a Prophet who had been chosen by the Gods of Development to speak with He Who Rules sort of speaks to the amount of contact data had with his community. That said, CC is nowhere near vaporware. DNF even has a nice acronym.

Duke Nukem Forever/Did Not Finish

Author:  Laraso [ Wed Dec 29, 2010 7:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Apparantly CC is vaporware

Yeah, but if you have been paying attention, they are actually about to release DNF...

Author:  Solace [ Sun Jan 02, 2011 11:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Apparantly CC is vaporware

CC isn't vaporware because it's finished right now. I can and am playing it. It may not have all the stuff Data wants to eventually be in it, but be honest. If someone said they where making "soldat with amazing destruction physics and easy modability", that's more than a viable game. Maybe it's not perfect, with lackluster AI and no online play, but it's still a fully-fleshed game in it's own right, and has been for a while. I can definitely see Data wanting to have at least one of the two of those before he considers it properly done, but it's not like you can say "hey I payed money a while ago, and there's still nothing remotely playable". For that matter, I don't think you can call anything with an open beta vaporware, because if I can buy it and I can play it... what more do you want as proof it can sell?

DNF is/was/may still be vaporware, because all you get are promises that it will work at some point. I'd personally say there's been several games of the same title that have all so far turned out to be vaporware, because do you really think it's actually been continuously developed for all this time? This new one could just as easily have been called "Duke Nuckem: some title".

Author:  Foa [ Sun Jan 02, 2011 11:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Apparantly CC is vaporware

Solace wrote:
CC isn't vaporware because it's finished right now. I can and am playing it. It may not have all the stuff Data wants to eventually be in it, but be honest. If someone said they where making "soldat with amazing destruction physics and easy modability", that's more than a viable game. Maybe it's not perfect, with lackluster AI and no online play, but it's still a fully-fleshed game in it's own right, and has been for a while. I can definitely see Data wanting to have at least one of the two of those before he considers it properly done, but it's not like you can say "hey I payed money a while ago, and there's still nothing remotely playable". For that matter, I don't think you can call anything with an open beta vaporware, because if I can buy it and I can play it... what more do you want as proof it can sell?

Eh, it never filled thhe criteria for it to be called vaporware, it is open beta, it can sell, though it is slow to develop, it is still being actively worked on, and it hasn't violated any predetermined deadline, horrifically, if any.
[It is good that there are still opinions, but what is done is done, it was concluded, 'It is damn slow to develop, but it still not vaporware]
[Can't we let a dead topic lie? Seriously I dont need to have nightmares of corpse being used like marionettes.]

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