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A couple things.
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Author:  ansonr [ Mon Dec 20, 2010 4:31 am ]
Post subject:  A couple things.

I just got the HIB2. Never heard of Cortex Command before then. I really like the game, but it is very far from complete. Anyway I have a couple questions.

1st off when you do a game is there any way to save your game before you start? Its really annoying having to rebuild my base every time I lose.

2nd, Are there no maps or modes where I have to kill the enemy's brain while defending my own? I mean that is the only thing the tutorial really teaches you to do and I cannot seem to find anything but the Droid Assault map and after I blow up the brain in that one the game doesn't even end.

Thanks - Some guy, some where

Author:  zalo [ Mon Dec 20, 2010 6:11 am ]
Post subject:  Re: A couple things.

1. There is no way to save currently, but something you might want to try is using the map editor to build a map using the same terrain as your preferred one and building the base there. You save it as a separate map, but with the base.

2. I believe Skirmish is the mode you are looking for. It's all the way at the top of the scroll menu (but it starts scrolled to the bottom).

Author:  Asatruer [ Mon Dec 20, 2010 7:35 am ]
Post subject:  Re: A couple things.

As zalo said, the Scene editor is a great way to premake bunkers for regular use.
There are also a couple good mods with prefab bunkers that you can use to just stick into any skirmish map without having to deal with the scene editor.
For example: L&P Fortifications and LFoW's Remastered Modules and Prefabs
Gotcha!'s Map Pack 3 has some great bunker modules for building with and his UniTec mod has some larger prefab bunkers ready made. I know the map objects in the MP3 work (at least seemingly) fine in b24, but I have not yet tested Unitec in b24.

Author:  Contrary [ Mon Dec 20, 2010 7:48 am ]
Post subject:  Re: A couple things.

B23 had Dummy Assault, which was brain vs brain.

Author:  ansonr [ Mon Dec 20, 2010 10:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A couple things.

Thanks for the quick replies, I tried the Scene editor, but when I try any game mode with it after I start I can not select any unit but my brain even if I order new ones.

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