Data Realms Fan Forums

So, I'd forgotten the reason why I like CC so much...
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Author:  Areku [ Fri May 14, 2010 3:25 am ]
Post subject:  So, I'd forgotten the reason why I like CC so much...


The doors open and I'm momentarily blinded by the light through my mask's goggles. The wind roars, and the ground is several hundred meters below, ablaze with the fires of war.

"Remember, the extraction ship will be here to pick you up in six decacycles, so don't be late!" Yelps the dropship's pilot. I murmur some excuse for a response, and jump through the open hatch.

Falling rapidly through the dust and smoke, I fire my jetpack to cushion the floor. And it's a perfect landing, anyone could tell you so, if they weren't too busy trying not to get shot on the head by... well, pretty much everyone on this blasted planet. But I haven't got the time to think about that, 'cause I've got a mission to do. According to intel, my target should be right after this hill... and there he is. You just can't miss that flashy hair of his. This should be an easy shot. I crouch and pull out my sniper. I got his head on my sights... yeah, see you in hell, sucka... I put my finger to the trigger...


The .50 caliber bullet flies off the barrel with a loud bang. After the smoke clears, I look at the place where that poor sod had just been standing, to see how much of his brain is still in his head, not that he had much to begin with. Wait... something's wrong. He's not there. I look around for him, and see a shape lying on the floor. It looks like a person. It's raising something.


A bullet misses my head by an inch. I start turning around.


Another one, but this time I'm not so lucky, and my left arm is painted red. It knocks me back into my senses, and I rapidly crouch and grab my rifle. Several shots whiz above my head. It seems he's brought some goons with him. I shoot back, stopping for a few seconds to get the bullet out of my arm. It didn't penetrate. It's one of those few moments when you can't help feeling grateful for having a kevlar suit grafted on your skin.

I use one, two, three magazines. Not a single kill yet, things are starting to look dire. The pain on my left shoulder keeps me from aiming properly. I take out my pistol, hoping that I'll be able shoot better with a lighter gun. Luckily, I am, and one of the thugs falls to the ground, a hole where his eye used to be. Two others shortly follow. Now it's just me and my target. Suddenly an engine roars above, and a huge dropship hovers above him. He thinks he can get away! You know what I think?

No. Way. In. Hell.

I start shooting at the engines, but the plating on them is too thick. I get lucky, though, and one of the shots get through, making the whole thing lose balance and start spinning out of control. Right into a transport rocket. Ouch. Both the vehicles explode, sending a cloud of shrapnel and burned metal at me. I activate the emergency boost on my jetpack, and take off just as a huge chunk of metal lands right where I was standing. Lucky me. Except I'm several meters up in the air and my 'pack has run out of fuel. Unlucky me.

I land with a dry 'thud', and a couple of broken ribs. Nothing I can't handle. A few goons that are fighting in the ruined bunker to my left haven't noticed me, so I get a jump on them and shoot almost everyone before they even know what's happening. The last one tries to lob a grenade at me, but I shoot it through his hand, and it blows his whole arm off. He lies there, clutching the hole in his side, while I approach him to finish the job. He just looks right into my face (or my faceplate, if you want to use the correct lingo), defiant to the very end. Almost makes me not notice the other grenade he'd just cocked.
I jump back and cover my face, but it's too late. The room is engulfed in flames, and my gun is knocked out of my hands. I manage to get out, but both my legs have third-degree burns now, and I'm limping badly.
I try to get back to the extraction zone, but a dummy robot falls off the sky, carrying some sort of pistol. I lunge at him and we wrestle for a few seconds, but I manage to grab the gun and blow a few holes through the thing's engine.

Suddenly, I get a glimpse of a flashy haircut by some makeshift trenches. So I still have a chance of completing the mission! I run towards it, but a sudden movement around me makes me stop. Another thug... He has a shotgun... I try to jump out of the way, but he hits me at point-blank, throwing me back several yards. I try to stand up, but my legs feel numb. Oh, they're gone. My left arm is also in a pretty bad shape. The 'danger' sign on my helmet's HUD starts flashing. I know I'm not gonna last much longer, so I'll have to make do with what I've got. I grab a machinegun that had luckily fell at my side, and plug my jetpack's auxiliary fuel reserve. This is it. Now I'm gonna crash or crash through.

I fly towards my target as fast as I can, shooting at anyone and anything I see with my remaining hand. A bullet glances off my helmet, and other ones bust through my chest. I'm bleeding more than anyone ever will throughout their entire lives, but I barely notice. The mission. I'm gonna complete it. The gun is shot out of my hand. It's no matter. I don't need it for what I'll do. The 'adrenalin' and 'organ damage' meters have just gone off-scale. I fly right into the enemy commander. I'm barely conscious, and the fact that he's still shooting at me while we tumble backwards doesn't help at all. My determination is all that's keeping me alive now, but I won't last for more than a few seconds...

While my vision darkens, the last sound I hear in this world... Is the satisfying snap of his neck.

...Vital sign loss!!...

Running DataRescue.exe...
//Contacting local terminal ... Done!
// Checking synaptics network ... Done!
// Opening data uplink ... Done!
// Local data transferred: 0%
// Local data transferred: 30%
// Local data transferred: 70%
// Local data transferred: 100%
//Transfer done!

//Initializing local body...

Welcome back, soldier Delta-27.

...Guess I won't be needing that extraction ship.

*Epic action movie music*


Based on real CC gameplay. I fudge love this game.

Author:  TorrentHKU [ Fri May 14, 2010 3:31 am ]
Post subject:  Re: So, I'd forgotten the reason why I like CC so much...

Bravo. May I ask what mission you played, or was this skirmish?

Author:  Areku [ Fri May 14, 2010 3:35 am ]
Post subject:  Re: So, I'd forgotten the reason why I like CC so much...

Just a normal skirmish. Ordered a single light coalition dude with a sniper, hoping that I could kill some time while Windows was updating on my main PC. Once again, CC surprised me.

Author:  Natti [ Fri May 14, 2010 5:00 am ]
Post subject:  Re: So, I'd forgotten the reason why I like CC so much...

Great story. *Applause*

I'd have many stories to tell, but it's just that I'm too lazy to write them down.

Author:  Lizardheim [ Fri May 14, 2010 2:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: So, I'd forgotten the reason why I like CC so much...

Sounds like your average cc playthrough :3

But yeah epic moments isn't really what the game lacks.

Author:  Coops [ Sat May 15, 2010 1:21 am ]
Post subject:  Re: So, I'd forgotten the reason why I like CC so much...

Too bad AI aint that good :sad:

Great story btw, for once i enjoyed reading something...

Author:  Crow [ Mon May 17, 2010 12:35 am ]
Post subject:  Re: So, I'd forgotten the reason why I like CC so much...

This was great.

Author:  Contrary [ Mon May 17, 2010 1:00 am ]
Post subject:  Re: So, I'd forgotten the reason why I like CC so much...

Wow, first good piece of CC fanfic in the history o the whole forum. Great story.

Author:  Areku [ Mon May 17, 2010 2:18 am ]
Post subject:  Re: So, I'd forgotten the reason why I like CC so much...

Wow, thanks. Actually, this was written in half an hour at 4AM, so I'm surprised that it's even readable. Specially considering english is not my native language. I was pretty sure that I'd made quite a lot of spelling mistakes.

Author:  Contrary [ Mon May 17, 2010 4:04 am ]
Post subject:  Re: So, I'd forgotten the reason why I like CC so much...

Yar, this would be good even if it wasn't CC related.

Author:  iKP [ Wed May 19, 2010 2:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Insert Epic CC fan fiction name here.

Wow. That's one well-written fan-fic! This kind of thing is what makes me want to play CC right now.
I demand more CC fan-fic. They're awesome. :D

Author:  MontereyJack [ Sat Jun 05, 2010 4:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: So, I'd forgotten the reason why I like CC so much...

indeed! well written, and quite entertaining. Anyone who has played CC can certainly relate. I encourage you to write more, I think you have quite a bit of talent (especially if this was written at 4 am).
I look forward to seeing more of Soldier Delta-29.

Author:  matty406 [ Sat Jun 05, 2010 4:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: So, I'd forgotten the reason why I like CC so much...

Every CC player has epic war veteran style stories to tell. :grin:
There should be an epic story thread.

Author:  Joe [ Sat Jun 05, 2010 7:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Fan Fiction Thread

Yes, there should be.

Here's one (I should seriously work on shortening my stories):

"What the hell are those maniacal green monsters, and where the hell did they come from?" As I and my six squad mates ran at full speed toward the Space port/Train station, these two questions resonated in my half organic mind like the dying screams of the other 20 clones holding down the now overrun waystation from which we now flee. Crazy bastards, those green monsters; damn near impossible to kill, and they just scream "WAAAAGH!!!" when you shoot them. Some of them have ridiculously large guns, some have axes bigger than I am, and some have jetpacks with those axes. THAT'S scary.

As we run, we see hundreds of them falling from space in these flaming red tubes with fins. Most of them don't seem bothered with chasing us, the few that did got tired of us, or got smashed by more falling pods. Don't they have drop solutions? I'm glad they don't.

We continue running. The main station is clearly visible now. Some of the others start jetpackking in short jumps to speed things up. I start to fall a bit behind. Just before I hit the jump button, I see the two guys in front's alert signals go off, and I look up just in time to see a red transport tube graze one of the guys in front taking his arms and right leg off. He's down to 32 HP and losing fast. The red pod explodes, and two green creatures burst out of the wreckage yelling: "Green iz best!!!"

We open fire. The monster with the gun opens fire too. Three clones standing next to me explode from the impact of the excessively large bullets before I put ten rounds in the crazed monster's head. The one with the axe seems to be fighting the guys in front. The wounded clone still had two grenades in his inventory. He started up his jetpack. The monster with the axe had glee in his face as he readied his axe in "batting position". The monster screamed "WAAAAAGH!!!!", right before swinging his axe perfectly at the suicidal clone, splattering him and crushing the grenades, utterly destroying the monster.

I'm down to two squad mates, but we're almost there. The train was wrecked; priceless chunks of gold littered the ground, and one of the monsters lay dead underneath with a bazooka like contraption in his crushed arm. One of the squad mates, having only a pistol in his inventory, picked it up and reloaded. I'm quite surprised he was able to carry the damn thing. We jetpack up to the first level of the train station. Except for a few dead clones, the coast was clear. We headed up the stairs to the second level; same story, more dead bodies but no monsters. We were about to hit the third floor, when the clone with the bazooka got stuck. I ordered the other clone to report topside and wait for pickup, while I helped the other clone.

"Drop the damn bazooka!" I yelled at him, his AI must not have been fully formed, because he just repeatedly attempted to jetpack to the next floor with that goddamned hundred pound rocket launcher. I finally decided that this one wasn't worth the weight, and I left an active grenade right below him to keep him company. I jumped up to the third level.

I got to the third level. At either end of the hall was an active teleporter, probably leading to some overrun station. Overrun station. ACTIVE TELEPORTERS. The weight of my stupidity hit me full on when an axe toting monster came through, started running toward me, and hit me in the back taking my leg off. I was down to 73 HP and pissed. I emptied a mag into the bastard, but it was using it's axe as a shield. I think I stunned it, because as I reloaded, it just stood there. I decided not to piss it off any more, so I limped away and jumped to the top floor.

As I crawled through the broken door to the outside, I looked for my last squad mate, but there was no sign of him near the landing platform. I opened up the pie menu on my HUD to call the Evac rocket. I was promptly interrupted by the dead body of my last squad mate slamming into the ground underneath the massive body of a green monster. This one had an axe, and a Jetpack with that axe. Scary.

It bull-rushed me, jetpack flaring. I hit it in the head with five rounds before it jumped on me and chopped my gun in half. My alert signal was flashing violently above my head, in the same position as the monster's axe. As I braced for death, I heard one last "WAAAGH!!!" from the monster. As it's axe came down, I saw the contents of my five day tank-bred life flash before my eyes.

The monster disappeared. I heard a loud squishing sound below me, and my the console on my HUD flashed that there had been a "MOID Collision Error", whatever that means. As I stood up from the bloody mess of gore that was my adversary, I saw more red pods fall from the sky, but these were different. They were more conical, and they had "Blood Angels" written on them in black. My shuttle came. I got inside and sealed the hatches. As I was launched into space, I saw the battle below using the external cameras. Some big red guys were cutting through the monsters like butter. Damn I wish I had their guns...

Author:  Warguy [ Sat Jun 05, 2010 7:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: So, I'd forgotten the reason why I like CC so much...

Why not make one then? :P

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