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Author:  Duh102 [ Thu Apr 01, 2010 6:52 am ]
Post subject:  b24 Review [APRIL FOOLS - THIS IS NOT REAL]

So despite my recent lapse in playing/modding Cortex, when offered the chance by Data [through weasel] to beta test b24 before the launch date, I couldn't refuse. Normally a non-engineer can't beta test [er, pre-beta?] but Data was feeling generous and any mods online when Data was drunk were offered the setup file. There was sadly one condition, that I not post any screenshots [by extension, video] or delve too deeply in all that b24 offers as Data is still working on it.

Two words: TURN-BASED.
The campaign system has been entirely revamped, no more of this clicking on whatever mission you like. You're allowed to click on one mission out of about 3 at a time [the rest are grayed out] where the enemy is attacking you or a neutral faction is open to attack. Once you're there, the normal Cortex battle starts up and you get to killing and whatnot.

Another word: TRANSFORMERS.
You thought the idea of brains that could be detached from the ceiling and put on a robot body was cool? How about BUNKERMODULES THAT TURN INTO GIANT ROBOTS. I thought Bubs was shitting me when he told me to open up the pie menu and hit the minimap button [which is one of the things I'm not supposed to talk about, whoops], which activates the transformation of your base [in select scenes, Data's working on a better way to make them]. It kicks ass, to say the least.

Couple other words: PROPER MO-MO COLLISIONS
Yeah, that one thing that EVERY SINGLE ONE OF US WANTS. Riding a dropship like a texan cowboy is possibly THE most fun I had with the entire beta. There's nothing really to say but that you have to try it to be as excited as I.

Vaporware for a long time, but after a bit of haggling over price apparently Data was able to get a freelance PHP developer to rig up a database, and Data a hook into it from the game. Obviously this only works if you're connected to the internet [and right now it's very bare], but the functionality is amazing. You're able to both upload and download, and it installs, toggles, and removes, all by itself with nothing more than a few clicks. I was honored to be the first non-developer to upload a mod to the DB [if anyone remembers the lua-d laser cannons in minor mod dump] and then redownload it. You can select any mod currently enabled on your computer and it will zip it up, send it to the server, and ask for any descriptions, tags, names, version numbers, etc that you may want to put on it. Most exciting for me was the automatic version notation, and user restriction. I can't go any further into it, because the DB is still in a state of flux [damn good flux if you ask me] but it's a big deal.

Sadly, there is one, small, problem...
Mods must be converted to b24's new format: compiled ini. It's not too big of a deal, really, from the modder's point of view, and it does provide a modicum of IP security.
There have been some... problems with mods being changed, distributed, and copied without the owner's permission. That will no longer be a problem in b24 and the DB, as a mod can only be uncompiled with the registration key of the original maker. When in uncompiled form, mod .ini and .lua can run in Cortex but not uploaded, and you have to run it through a compiler that encrypts all files and folders with your key before it can be uploaded. Cortex can still read the compiled files, so anyone can play them, but no one can modify them or copy them. As to controlling who can use the mod, the DB links to your forum account and you can control who can download your mods into their game, and furthermore, whenever someone connects to the DB from within Cortex, it checks their mods to make sure none of them are blacklisted, and if they are, deletes them.

Overall, my time with b24 was amazing and I thank Data [and weasel] for letting me play it early. I was asked to give a short summary to the fanbase to let them know that Data's still alive and being awesome and you can expect great things.

Author:  Grif [ Thu Apr 01, 2010 6:53 am ]
Post subject:  Re: b24 Review


Author:  Nocifer [ Thu Apr 01, 2010 7:18 am ]
Post subject:  Re: b24 Review

Aw, crap, I was just putting a bunch of work into making my own Transformers. Now the crap that they already were will be wholly worthless next to the new stuff.

So, let me get this straight. After we download the mods of others, can we not make any tweaks to them afterward, to our own taste?

Author:  Miles_T3hR4t [ Thu Apr 01, 2010 7:27 am ]
Post subject:  Re: b24 Review

you know what I think of this post already from my PM, but I will say this much.

Requiring mods to be compiled is NOT a bad thing.

first of all, it would probably load faster.
second, as you already said, Intellectual properties and/or mod-theft...

and the ability/requirement to add passwords to mods, and the option to release the passwords to decompile your mods...

My god... I think this is a step in the right direction. If this is true, I will be very happy. (if that statement is true, not the whole thread... most of it seems like something someone would come up with while drunk... transforming bunkers? really? turrets that pop up out of the ground maybe, but we could probably do that with some glitchy use of doors and crabs. other than that, I can't see any reasonable use for this...

Also Inb4 starcraft 2's Terra-tron.

Author:  WorldOfGooCorp [ Thu Apr 01, 2010 7:34 am ]
Post subject:  Re: b24 Review

Surejoke sounds like Data is giving in to numgun's whiny request regarding his mods, but oh well. Also SWEET transformers. Data better give us the ability to easily customize them.

Author:  salt_1219 [ Thu Apr 01, 2010 7:59 am ]
Post subject:  Re: b24 Review

Wow duh thanks for sharing and might I say I'm pretty jealous of your sneak peak.

Don't know if you can tell us but are the white bots in this one and if so is the white brain mech ?

Damn it! AHEEEHEEHAAAHAHOHOHOHO let's keep this goin'-Seraph

Author:  Geti [ Thu Apr 01, 2010 8:22 am ]
Post subject:  Re: b24 Review

Grif wrote:
Oh god I laughed.

Author:  RodwyVeriv [ Thu Apr 01, 2010 9:11 am ]
Post subject:  Re: b24 Review

Hmmm the transformer thing seems a little unbelievable till I can see it, but then again I've thought a many thing would be impossible in CC only to see it perform epically in front of me eventually. But otherwise everything seems to to alright, proper collisions makes me a very happy camper.

Author:  Seraph [ Thu Apr 01, 2010 10:14 am ]
Post subject:  Re: b24 Review

Dammit why do I always miss Data's free give aways?

Author:  carriontrooper [ Thu Apr 01, 2010 10:37 am ]
Post subject:  Re: b24 Review

April fools and whatnot, I could say I'm kinda excited to wait for B24. By the way, is there an .ini compiler handy or what? I just hope if there aren't it should have some backwards compability.

And I foresee the following crazy stuff happening:
-organic bunkers that move crawl about slowly on the landscape
-mobile manned turrets
-ten-story bunker robot of doom!!!1!
-dropship hopping mission
-proper conquest campaign for Midas
-Dr. Strangelove's 'Riding a Nuclear Bomb' scene, in the awesome moments thread

The future will be awesome, believe me.

Author:  Natti [ Thu Apr 01, 2010 12:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: b24 Review

I... I'm not sure that is this April Fools or not. If not, hot damn.

If it is, curse on you Duh.

Author:  TorrentHKU [ Thu Apr 01, 2010 12:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: b24 Review

Oh my god cannot WAIT!
Waitaminute, does this mean B24 actually has a defined RELEASE DATE?!?!

Author:  Petethegoat [ Thu Apr 01, 2010 12:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: b24 Review

I hate you.

Author:  whitty [ Thu Apr 01, 2010 12:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: b24 Review

Yarglybraddble gffkldsngs;dfgs dammit thats like 18million .ini's to do whatever to.

Author:  Gotcha! [ Thu Apr 01, 2010 12:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: b24 Review

April Fools!

I am not buying a word of it. :lol:

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