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Cortex Command with wiimote+nunchuk
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Author:  sven11226 [ Sun Nov 22, 2009 2:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Cortex Command with wiimote+nunchuk

Hi i have been watching this forum for some time.
I play cortex with the wiimote and nunchuk and i decided to put my script online for everyone that wants to play CC with the wiimote.
I have included instructions for connecting the wiimote to the Pc for those who dont know how to do that.

Connecting wiimote to PC.
1. You need bluetooth, a wiimote + nunchuk and glovepie.(
Download glovepie 0.29 becuase 0.30 has many bugs)
2. open your bluetooth and start a new connection.
3. Let bluetooth search for devices in the area and keep the sync button pressed(next to batteries) when bluetooth is searching.
4. Keep the sync button pressed and select the device with nintendo in its name.
for example: Nintendo RVL-CNT-01
5. Windows will install the drivers. Still hold the sync button.
(when it says something about not recognised by windows press the continue button.)
6. When its done you don`t have to press the sync button anymore.
7. start up glovepie and load my script.
8. Start the game and make sure the controls are the same as in the script.
w = up S = Down a = left d = right q = previous body e = next body

Mouse is controlled by the Nunchuk controller.
Up/Jetpack = D-Pad up
Down/Duck = D-Pad down
Left = D-Pad left
Right = D-Pad right
Next body = Button one on the wiimote
Previous body = Button two on the wiimote
Escape = Home button

Known bugs: When in fullscreen mouse does crazy and stays on the edges of the screens. :???:
Soultion: Play in windowed mode until i fixed it or if you can fix it yourself please send me a fix.

if you edit the controls in the script you can also make it work as controller for player two, three and four if you have enough controllers you can play better with 4 players.

My english is not so good becuase i am from the netherlands.

File comment: Extract and open the .pie file with glovepie.
CC Script.rar [568 Bytes]
Downloaded 205 times

Author:  Samohan25 [ Sun Nov 22, 2009 4:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Cortex Command with wiimote+nunchuk

Sadly I don't have a Wii to test this but would it be better if you work out where the Wiimote is pointing? Not sure how to do that but I think if you search the functions it'll bee somewhere, not quite sure about the full screen problem, does anyone know if fullscreen dhanges anything mouse-wise?
Oh, and if you have PPJoy (Virtual joystick, a great PIEGlove addition) you can try it with the gamepad mode instead, it looks like it might be easyer to make the pc place the mouse on the screen in a position pointed to by the Wiimote.

Aha! The sensor bar, in the documention you can read up on the sensor bar, under the Wiimote scripts folder in Joystick-mouse.PIE you can find out how to get the exact mouse position on the screen by using the sensor bar and the "" commands.

That is one amazing peice of scripting, I'll look through it more in depth alter today and try to find out how to make it use the screen position.

Author:  Lizardheim [ Sun Nov 22, 2009 5:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Cortex Command with wiimote+nunchuk

You clearly don't understand how a wii is working. It has a sensor bar that receives an IR beam from the wiimote. Not everything is by bluetooth you know.

Author:  sven11226 [ Sun Nov 22, 2009 5:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Cortex Command with wiimote+nunchuk

Lizard wrote:
You clearly don't understand how a wii is working. It has a sensor bar that receives an IR beam from the wiimote. Not everything is by bluetooth you know.

My wii script is not based on IR.
IR would solve some problems but this script just works by connecting the wiimote to the pc the most common way and easiest. I didnt tested Ir yet becuase i first need to find a normal way of getting IR (i know candles works or modifying the sensor bar).

And as for the PPjoy joystick way i haven`t tested much with that its a great way if your script works but i first need to experiment some more with PPjoy.

Author:  Lizardheim [ Sun Nov 22, 2009 6:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Cortex Command with wiimote+nunchuk

I know. I was talking to samhanNumb3rz

Author:  TomThom [ Sun Nov 22, 2009 7:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Cortex Command with wiimote+nunchuk

kinda neat, i was thinking of that scene for Guns of the Patriots where liquid goes "kekekekeke" like a gun and moves his hand in motion with his minions guns.

Author:  TorrentHKU [ Sun Nov 22, 2009 7:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Cortex Command with wiimote+nunchuk

Lizard wrote:
You clearly don't understand how a wii is working. It has a sensor bar that receives an IR beam from the wiimote. Not everything is by bluetooth you know.

Other way around. The sensor bar emits IR, and the Wiimote picks it up. That tiny cable is only for power. This is also why 2 candles or flashlights could be used instead of the sensor bar.

Author:  TomThom [ Sun Nov 22, 2009 7:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Cortex Command with wiimote+nunchuk

Hyperkultra wrote:
Lizard wrote:
You clearly don't understand how a wii is working. It has a sensor bar that receives an IR beam from the wiimote. Not everything is by bluetooth you know.

Other way around. The sensor bar emits IR, and the Wiimote picks it up. That tiny cable is only for power. This is also why 2 candles or flashlights could be used instead of the sensor bar.

wait, you can use two candles? lord i wish i knew that when i lost my sensor bar for a while.

Author:  Lizardheim [ Sun Nov 22, 2009 8:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Cortex Command with wiimote+nunchuk

I allways get the sensor bar and the big black thig on the wiimote confused.

this seems pretty cool, will test when i get acces to a comp with bluetooth.

Author:  Samohan25 [ Mon Nov 23, 2009 5:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Cortex Command with wiimote+nunchuk

Well, sorry about that, as I don't have a Wii I was working from what I've read on the PIEGlove documentation, I wasn't sure ibut I thought that the Wiimote calculates where the infra-red lights are, and why do so many people write my name wrong/differently?

Aside from that, this could be added to the game if Data sees fit, probably a lot later but variants on standard inputs would be nice, why not do a touchscreen version?

Author:  TorrentHKU [ Mon Nov 23, 2009 6:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Cortex Command with wiimote+nunchuk

Samohan25 wrote:
Well, sorry about that, as I don't have a Wii I was working from what I've read on the PIEGlove documentation, I wasn't sure ibut I thought that the Wiimote calculates where the infra-red lights are

They do. There are two lights on the sensor bar, a set distance apart. The sensor on the Wiimote detects the lights, and from that figures out how far apart they are, and where they are. It uses this to point the cursor at the screen.

Samohan25 wrote:
Aside from that, this could be added to the game if Data sees fit, probably a lot later but variants on standard inputs would be nice, why not do a touchscreen version?

That seems more like something that the community would do, as a sort of hackish way. Personally, I would prefer Data finish the game than work on touchscreen support, no matter how nifty it would be.

Samohan25 wrote:
why do so many people write my name wrong/differently?

No idea, it's a pretty easy name.

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