Data Realms Fan Forums

How to make your Spartans compatible with other actors.
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Author:  Wanlorn [ Fri Jan 05, 2007 11:12 pm ]
Post subject:  How to make your Spartans compatible with other actors.

Some of you may have noticed that the Halo 2 spartans on this site are not compatible with some other actors. This is because the instance names are incorrect, and are the same as the spartan's, leading to all sorts of problems.
To fix this, simply:
1.Go into the .rte
2.Open up the actors file
3.Look up each body part,i.e. foot, arm, leg
4.If the InstanceName is something like "Head" then change it by putting in some letters or something. If it is something like FG head, or fredhead, then it's ok.
5.Do this for each body part.

I beseech the modmakers to start doing this on their own. Please?

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